
So this is the week I am to get hatching eggs from two different breeders. Exciting!

Now the issue stressing me out..... The one sending Mottled Houdans and Gold Brabanters, I haven't heard from since last week. Projected shipping date was this past Monday. Getting on edge that I haven't gotten a confirmation nor heard a peep. The other shipped yesterday, 6 Cream Legbar eggs..due to arrive tomorrow. Exciting!

Getting concerned that we have not heard from the other breeder. We have plans for our Mennonite friend to hatch the eggs in her incubator. We can't do two separate lock downs. Not sure what to do. Stressed.

Question, how long will fertile eggs keep for if the other breeder doesn't ship the other eggs soon? Thanks...any advice appreciated.
Question, how long will fertile eggs keep for if the other breeder doesn't ship the other eggs soon? Thanks...any advice appreciated.

A reputable breeder will ship the freshest eggs possible, so if they are not able to send them right away they will gather new eggs. With shipped eggs the eggs are already at a disadvantage from being jostled, so fresh eggs are important. Definitely should be less than a week old by the time they arrive.
Those silver spangled Appenzeller Spitzhauben's look great. How do they do in Indiana heat? Are they broody much?
I have had a hen go broody only a couple of times. The heat seems to be no problem for them as long as they have shade and fresh water.

@pbirdhaven , Just curious to whether or not you still have your spitzhaubens. I would really love to get myself a rooster to go with my lonely hen . I looked at hatching eggs on ebay, but if you have any I would rather deal with someone on this thread that I know I can trust. If you have any extras or even hatching eggs I would so be interested. My birthday is coming up and that is what I told my hubby I wanted.
I just lost my rooster but have a cockerel who has been pretty active with his mate. As soon as I'm sure that the older hens are okay, I plan to integrate. I have some chicks but it will be a while before they can be sexed and eggs in the incubator.

Corid works wonders if caught early enough that they are still drinking.

If you can it's best to get them off bedding. Or at the least change it out every day a couple of times a day and wash their feeder and waterers with every change. Treat with treatment doses of Corid for the 5 days I believe it is. They should perk back up and be fine after just a day or so of treatment but just keep them on it.
If at all possible, I put them on a wire floor if I suspect cocci. And like Kittydoc, I repeat the treatment in about a week.

Does anyone in Indiana have the black copper marans? I would really like to get 1 or 2 just for the color in the basket. Or I would love some hatching eggs.
I have both black coppers and wheatens; the wheatens also have a dark egg. EllymayRans also has black coppers.

I think he meant pelleted horse bedding, I use it as well. It looks like large grain pellets but is compressed sawdust. When it gets wet it absorbs the moisture and breaks apart into normal sawdust - and is no longer wet. Once the broken down pellets get wet again you clean it like normal bedding. It isn't as dusty if used correctly and is larger, so I don't think new chicks are as likely to eat it. I use it in my horse stalls as well.
Would it work for adult chickens as well or would they eat it? I've been using it in the litter box--cheap, easy to clean up, and a natural deodorizer. Also biodegradable, unlike traditional clay or clumping litter.
Thanks for the tips. Yes, our turkeys have quite the characters. They are always entertaining and up to quirky antics of some kind. I will have to watch for their "yawn" as I don't remember noticing that before. They are very noisy, voicing their opinions whenever they get the chance.
I didn't notice it last year either, but this year turkeys have been yawning everywhere. Once they went outside permanently, it pretty much stopped.
Once in awhile, one will still do it, but it's not the few-times-in-as-many-minutes thing that it had been. It's mostly when they're being held.

They can be quite opinionated, but that's much of why I love turkeys. They have obvious differences of personality, are very curious and have to investigate everything and everyone in their surroundings, often have pretty good protective instincts when it comes to the flock, and are about as close to dinosaurs as I'm ever going to have in my yard.
Question, how long will fertile eggs keep for if the other breeder doesn't ship the other eggs soon? Thanks...any advice appreciated.

A reputable breeder will ship the freshest eggs possible, so if they are not able to send them right away they will gather new eggs.  With shipped eggs the eggs are already at a disadvantage from being jostled, so fresh eggs are important.  Definitely should be less than a week old by the time they arrive.

They should be fresh, both are reputable breeders. Now the 6 Cream a Legbar eggs from TX are set to arrive tomorrow. Very nervous that the other breeder hasn't confirmed shipment of the other two breeds which will make up my main flock. I can't have my Mennonite friend do two lock downs and by this time I doubt others are hatching who could slip these 6 eggs in with theirs . Then though these eggs are coming from TX and cert. clean, I know people are scared of AI right now. Unless the other breeder comes through soon I may lose some for not having a way to incubate them after all. Not heard from her since May 31.

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It is with great regret that I must inform everyone that we have decided to postpone Chickenfest. We just do not feel that it is worth the risk at this time.

We hope to be able to reschedule at a later date.

Cant believe I'm caught up already, only took 2 hours, lol
DH gone and done it again!!!! He came home from the auction with Another BOAR goat, Billy this time. says now " I " can breed my Boar does ( 2 ) .
Why cant he come home with LaMancha's or some good looking Oberhasli's??????? Just wormed everyone last week due to the Little doe he brought home being loaded with them.

He is determined to take me in a totally opposite direction then I want to go in ( I want diary ) .
Will get pic's in a couple days and you can be sure I will share... lol
Lost another Silkie chick to drowning. I have bricks in the water pans so they can get out if they fall in but I guess That don't work. I don't know what to do about it now.

While at the auction last weekend DH ran into some friends, a deal was struck involving chickens and goats and boy oh boy did we come out on the losing end of that deal. These birds he was given, that actually cost us ( the price of a goat ) was not even allowed out of the bed of DH's truck!!!!! These birds looked so bad!!!! I had a fit!! Told DH didn't care what he did with those birds but they didn't come off his truck on this property, and once he got rid of them he was to wash that truck before he came back home!!! We were supposed to get 10 RIR pullets and a BO Rooster of 1 yr old.
What he brought home I have no ideal, but it sure wasn't what we were told, and showed pic's of... these birds were skinny, no feathers, they smelled REAL BAD, and wild as all get out
. And they argued that those birds looked good and " feathers grow back " if those birds looked good then I must have a yard full of " SHOW birds "... WOW just cant get over it, still mad about that today and it all happened Sunday.
DH called a friend of ours that deals with anything that is eatable..... ( I would not want to eat those birds but hey each to his own.. ) but DH could only gt 2 good hens and 2 pullets in trade for them, and DH said the friend didn't really want to do it at all but DH told him he wasn't allowed to come home with those birds so he had to take them... lol and he made the friend take the icky birds and wait for him to go wash his truck before he could take the 4 the friend was going to give him. Good darn thing, he still wouldn't be allowed back home otherwise.

ok Rant is over... thanks in advance for letting me vent... lol
Janet is selling her new Oberhasi kid doe now. And I am considering selling my 7/31/2014 Oberhasli milking goat in a few weeks. If not then I'll be considering it again this fall once I can tell she is with kid. I need to get my herd to only one breed. As much as I'll miss the playful spirit of my little Oberhasi, I am leaning towards making nubians my herd breed. Things could change though if I can sell a lot more chickens and buy me a simple pulse milker.
Hmmmm...peppered horse bedding? I have never heard of this.

I'm curious about this as well.  

I think he meant pelleted horse bedding, I use it as well.  It looks like large grain pellets but is compressed sawdust.  When it gets wet it absorbs the moisture and breaks apart into normal sawdust - and is no longer wet.  Once the broken down pellets get wet again you clean it like normal bedding.  It isn't as dusty if used correctly and is larger, so I don't think new chicks are as likely to eat it.  I use it in my horse stalls as well. 

HAHA!  I was wondering, peppered chicken? LOL JK

This sounds like something to try for sure!  SOLD!

Hahahaha! Darn autocorrect! Yes I meant pelleted.

So this is the week I am to get hatching eggs from two different breeders. Exciting!

Now the issue stressing me out..... The one sending Mottled Houdans and Gold Brabanters, I haven't heard from since last week. Projected shipping date was this past Monday. Getting on edge that I haven't gotten a confirmation nor heard a peep. The other shipped yesterday, 6 Cream Legbar eggs..due to arrive tomorrow. Exciting!

Getting concerned that we have not heard from the other breeder. We have plans for our Mennonite friend to hatch the eggs in her incubator. We can't do two separate lock downs. Not sure what to do. Stressed.

Question, how long will fertile eggs keep for if the other breeder doesn't ship the other eggs soon? Thanks...any advice appreciated.

Well, looks like I will just get 6 eggs if other breeder doesn't come through. Fact is, I am concerned for her, last message was a week ago, unlike her. So hope she is okay. I dunno what to as she may still be shipping, maybe computer issues. So if put the 6 eggs in lock down, then if others come, won't work for them but if I wait, the 6 won't be fresh. Excuse me while I go tear my hair out.

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