Looky Looky Looky !!!!!!!! Sorry I'm excited.

had these girls in Isolation for 3 weeks, would have liked to had them in for good 30 days cause they came from a very dirty place but I had to get them out so I could put 2 cx chicks in. And they need it BAD!!

See what I mean??
Hoping these 2 are both pullets I have a rooster that is a pet ( got from RK by accident ) and he is trying to top my laying hens, WAY too BIG, so I got him some ladies of his own, I HOPE.....

But aren't my EE's pretty? I went all my life never seeing a Black EE. Then I hatch one, post her on here and see pic's of more Blacks and now I have a laying adult.... and they are Blue... YEAH!!!!!!
I feel like a kid in a candy store and everything is free!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't been on here in forever seems like. Been really busy with work, life and building a zoo here. Thought I would post a few pics of some of what we have going on. Sorry for the pic overload.

Baby pigs. This is Miss Piggy going for the apple quarter, next to her is Chops, he's our runt, then Rosie, Hamm and in back is Petunia. The gilts we were planning on breeding, but now I'm not sure that I want to, they have killed a couple of my hens that got into their pen.

Baby kittens



Stowaways from jcny2000's (Janet's) Some how these 3 ended up in a box in the back seat of the truck. I have no idea how they got there.

BP (big pig) A couple weeks ago we made a trip down to Janet's to pick this guy up. He's going to be our breeder. Had a short but great visit with Janet. Would liked to have been able to visit longer, but I had to get back to go to work.

Miss Daisy Donkey, some how she ended up in the trailer with Fanny. Again, I have no idea how she got there. She is the sweetest little thing. We hope to be able to harness break her and get her a little buckboard to pull around.

And this is Fanny. Our 4 yr. old Jersey heifer. She's due to calf in Feb. or Mar. can't remember which.

We have another Jersey heifer calf coming in a couple weeks, her name is Lilac.
We took our children to ag day at the fairgrounds yesterday. There was a horse competition going on so the children watched that for a bit before heading into see the other animals on display. I have to say that the horses that were there for the competition were very pretty and what I think of as normal sized horses. BUT the 2 horses that were on display for the ag day event were almost twice as large. My youngest boy was fearless. He walked right up to the giant horses and started feeding them hay from the hay pile in the horse pen. It was a bit comical as the horse's head was at least half as large as my boy. I forgot my camera but those horses would have made some wonderful pictures. After the animals the children found the bouncy house and ice cream stand. It was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon.
O yes I love my deer netting, I put it over my main layer yard and the Silkie yard to keep wild birds from running our feed bill threw the roof, and it worked, and the first time I found the falcon it was caught in the netting cause it was trying to get into the silkie pen, I should have killed it then!! Live and learn.

those would be Awesome... but we would have neighbors calling the cops on us all the time. They are too close, but if we get the place we are hoping to... watch me get some.

Which of the 2 are quieter? Always got to worry about the neighbors!!
We actually have pretty good luck with those plastic "owl" and "hawk" figures. I originally got them to ward off the millions of crows that want to get at our garden and yard. I had them sitting on top of the run :) funny crows would sit in trees and in the yard a half acre away and squawk at them. The chickens didnt mind them at all, but the hawks did not circle in the open area near their run at all. They stayed away. I also heard that some people put chicken saddles with an "eye" patter on the back where the hawks will leave them alone too..Haven't tried that method though. The plastic statues did seem to help.
We actually have pretty good luck with those plastic "owl" and "hawk" figures. I originally got them to ward off the millions of crows that want to get at our garden and yard. I had them sitting on top of the run :) funny crows would sit in trees and in the yard a half acre away and squawk at them. The chickens didnt mind them at all, but the hawks did not circle in the open area near their run at all. They stayed away. I also heard that some people put chicken saddles with an "eye" patter on the back where the hawks will leave them alone too..Haven't tried that method though. The plastic statues did seem to help.
I have some of the saddles & I ironed on peacock patches for eyes. Perhaps they help. (I figured the "moving" predator eyes may deter hawks.) I also have roos at the moment, so not sure which one works better.

We actually have pretty good luck with those plastic "owl" and "hawk" figures. I originally got them to ward off the millions of crows that want to get at our garden and yard. I had them sitting on top of the run :) funny crows would sit in trees and in the yard a half acre away and squawk at them. The chickens didnt mind them at all, but the hawks did not circle in the open area near their run at all. They stayed away. I also heard that some people put chicken saddles with an "eye" patter on the back where the hawks will leave them alone too..Haven't tried that method though. The plastic statues did seem to help.
I see them in stores all the time, I often wonder if they work? I really like the ones that the head moves, it's solar and notion censored. That might be worth a try, thanks for reminding me of them.

I have some of the saddles & I ironed on peacock patches for eyes. Perhaps they help. (I figured the "moving" predator eyes may deter hawks.) I also have roos at the moment, so not sure which one works better.

where does everyone get those, I think I have a couple girls that will need them this winter,not growing feathers back well at all

My poor sick hen stopped eating completely on Monday. I was tube feeding 2-3xs per day Wed- this morning. She really hated it & was fighting me, but I saw some improvement.. She started clucking & talking back yesterday eve - but still not eating much on her own. (Ate only 2 mealworms last night.)

I tube fed her this morning & we left for the day. As soon as we got home I let her out for her potty break- then boom. (She's still trained & doesn't go inside the house, but I didn't expect her to hold it for 5 hrs!)

Above was tonight.
Below from this morning. Not sure which is better, but I'm glad she's finally eating something.

After taking care of the rest of the flock, I was about to fill a syringe for Cuddles. Before taking out the supplies, I offered her a 1/2 piece of bread. She actually ate it - like the big treat monster I know & love! I shouted to the family that Cuddles was eating & Cuddles started clucking back in response. I went back up to the kitchen to grab some more food & she started calling for me by singing the egg song. I really missed hearing her voice.
Fantastic to hear of Cuddles' interest in food! Sending healing vibes and hope she gets some protein into her of her own volition very soon!

My guineas killed one small hawk pair last year that was repeatedly attacking my bantams. ...
After that day I decided it was time to get out of the bantam breeds, for me it just wasn't worth the heartache.

Having a mixed flock has been a big learning experience for me over the past 3-4 years. We have birds ranging in size from a bantam Orpington to a Coronation Sussex.

When we first built our coop, we researched everything we could find about averages of birds. Many things we couldn't find information on though--like chicken's body height and proportions. There's lots of info about weight, but weight information is not helpful when you're trying to learn about how high off the ground to put the nipples.

Bantams truly do require slightly specialized accommodations. If you have the water nipples low enough for the bantams to reach, the sussexs and delawares have to put their head kind of upside down to drink from them. If you have the elevated gravity feeders raised such that the bantams can eat from it, the marans will stand in it.

Yep--learned quite a lot of things that I wished I had read in a book when I was doing initial research.
Looky Looky Looky !!!!!!!! Sorry I'm excited.

had these girls in Isolation for 3 weeks, would have liked to had them in for good 30 days cause they came from a very dirty place but I had to get them out so I could put 2 cx chicks in. And they need it BAD!!

See what I mean??
Hoping these 2 are both pullets I have a rooster that is a pet ( got from RK by accident ) and he is trying to top my laying hens, WAY too BIG, so I got him some ladies of his own, I HOPE.....

But aren't my EE's pretty? I went all my life never seeing a Black EE. Then I hatch one, post her on here and see pic's of more Blacks and now I have a laying adult.... and they are Blue... YEAH!!!!!!
I feel like a kid in a candy store and everything is free!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loved the pics, hens are gorgeous!

I haven't been on here in forever seems like. Been really busy with work, life and building a zoo here. Thought I would post a few pics of some of what we have going on. Sorry for the pic overload.

Baby pigs. This is Miss Piggy going for the apple quarter, next to her is Chops, he's our runt, then Rosie, Hamm and in back is Petunia. The gilts we were planning on breeding, but now I'm not sure that I want to, they have killed a couple of my hens that got into their pen.

Baby kittens



Stowaways from jcny2000's (Janet's) Some how these 3 ended up in a box in the back seat of the truck. I have no idea how they got there.

BP (big pig) A couple weeks ago we made a trip down to Janet's to pick this guy up. He's going to be our breeder. Had a short but great visit with Janet. Would liked to have been able to visit longer, but I had to get back to go to work.

Miss Daisy Donkey, some how she ended up in the trailer with Fanny. Again, I have no idea how she got there. She is the sweetest little thing. We hope to be able to harness break her and get her a little buckboard to pull around.

And this is Fanny. Our 4 yr. old Jersey heifer. She's due to calf in Feb. or Mar. can't remember which.

We have another Jersey heifer calf coming in a couple weeks, her name is Lilac.
LOVED the pics, BP looks so happy! Hmmm..
wonder how the guineas snuck into that box

We took our children to ag day at the fairgrounds yesterday. There was a horse competition going on so the children watched that for a bit before heading into see the other animals on display. I have to say that the horses that were there for the competition were very pretty and what I think of as normal sized horses. BUT the 2 horses that were on display for the ag day event were almost twice as large. My youngest boy was fearless. He walked right up to the giant horses and started feeding them hay from the hay pile in the horse pen. It was a bit comical as the horse's head was at least half as large as my boy. I forgot my camera but those horses would have made some wonderful pictures. After the animals the children found the bouncy house and ice cream stand. It was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon.
Sounds like they had a great day! I love to visit the horses @jsummers house, hers are just beautiful. Bullet and Rosie I believe are their names, both so sweet. Children just seem to take to an animal, and if they haven't felt fear from them its just a natural thing.
Miss Huey has round 3 hatched and brought them out to show me, 11 total. I will let her brood these unless sold. Anyone interested in pied Muscovy please PM they will look like Huey as adults.
I only have 1 hatch left to go this year. The last hatch will be black, chocolates should be due next week. Any lavenders are waiting list only!

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