I have a couple volunteer mulberry trees growing in the litter under a big pine tree in my yard. My plan was to cut them back, but I started thinking yesterday that maybe I should just transplant one or both to the area planned for the new chicken run. Thoughts?

They are pretty tough to kill, so I think they would do well in a chicken run. Plus they grow super quick.
I have a couple volunteer mulberry trees growing in the litter under a big pine tree in my yard. My plan was to cut them back, but I started thinking yesterday that maybe I should just transplant one or both to the area planned for the new chicken run. Thoughts?

I would transfer them! I have no idea what trees were growing along this fence line of ours (we're only lived here for almost 2 years now) but I transferred two of these trees into our chickens run last fall and I can not believe how well they are doing!!! I was worried that the chickens would ruin them and they really didn't...I would do it!

I have a couple volunteer mulberry trees growing in the litter under a big pine tree in my yard. My plan was to cut them back, but I started thinking yesterday that maybe I should just transplant one or both to the area planned for the new chicken run. Thoughts?
Our neighbor's mulberry tree overhangs our garage. The berries roll along the roof to our driveway in front & our patio in back. Our white concrete stains easily! We used to strongly dislike that tree, but since we got chickens, we now see it as a free food source. Yes their poop looks funny in June, but the flock eagerly cleans the patio daily. I'm sure they must also find good bugs to eat as well.
Very true, but they are also almost impossible to kill, so I think it's better than a 50/50.

The only think you risk by not catching enough root is that they will re-grow in where you remove them. But yes, seriously impossible to kill. I've been trying to kill some for two years and they just keep coming back.
Hello I'm not 100% sure but I think I remember someone saying something about Marans if anyone has any please let me know I'm looking asap
I would transfer them! I have no idea what trees were growing along this fence line of ours (we're only lived here for almost 2 years now) but I transferred two of these trees into our chickens run last fall and I can not believe how well they are doing!!! I was worried that the chickens would ruin them and they really didn't...I would do it!

Agreed! All of my birds love them. All of the pens I'm building are along the fence line where this tree resides to take full advantage.

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