Also another question so most of my current pens are next to our largest shed but is or has been shaded most of the winter I'm thinking about replacing them with new pens but is the shad provided in the summer worth them being colder during the winter or should I move it to a more sunny location
Also another question so most of my current pens are next to our largest shed but is or has been shaded most of the winter I'm thinking about replacing them with new pens but is the shad provided in the summer worth them being colder during the winter or should I move it to a more sunny location

IMO heat is harder on them than the cold, shade for their coop in the summer months is a good thing, while blocking cold wind is more important in the winter.
My sassy Fayoumi, Marama, jumped the 6' fence into our dog yard during free-range this afternoon. Our dogs have never been trustworthy with the chickens, and Marama didn't stand a chance in there with them. I'm so heartbroken all over again. Miss Attitude, herself. My flock feels so much smaller once again.

My sassy Fayoumi, Marama, jumped the 6' fence into our dog yard during free-range this afternoon. Our dogs have never been trustworthy with the chickens, and Marama didn't stand a chance in there with them. I'm so heartbroken all over again. Miss Attitude, herself. My flock feels so much smaller once again.

I'm so sorry, she was gorgeous. I've had that happen with two of mine. I'll never understand what caused them to leave their acres and acres of safety to suddenly head into the yard where the dogs always are. Dogs will be dogs unfortunately. As much as we try to keep them separate, accidents will occasionally happen.
My sassy Fayoumi, Marama, jumped the 6' fence into our dog yard during free-range this afternoon. Our dogs have never been trustworthy with the chickens, and Marama didn't stand a chance in there with them. I'm so heartbroken all over again. Miss Attitude, herself. My flock feels so much smaller once again.
I'm so sorry. It's the hardest part of keeping critters - saying goodbye to the ones we love. No matter what the cause, I always end up beating myself up for it; but in some cases, there was just no reasonable precautions that could have been taken.
Do any of your other birds go near the dog pen? Maybe a prophylactic wing clip might help.
The only think you risk by not catching enough root is that they will re-grow in where you remove them. But yes, seriously impossible to kill. I've been trying to kill some for two years and they just keep coming back.

I'll take them if you are trying to get rid of them =) I used to hate them, because they are so weedy, but if you try making salad dressing with the ripe berries you might have a change of heart. I planted some from my parent's yard near the bird area and I can't wait for it to be old enough to fruit.

When I hear of chicks (or any age bird, really - but chicks especially) starting to have issues with the legs/lameness, I suspect a b vitamin deficiency. If you have it, chop up some raw liver into tiny pieces and feed immediately. if you have some Brewers yeast around, give that.

This is also confirmed in the Merks Veterinary Manual.

This is a cc from a former post:


Often times - and usually - a "b" vitamin issue.... Riboflavin, thiamine often. There are quite a few articles, including the Merck Veterinary manual, that talk about these issues.

Natural remedy:
-raw high quality liver, chopped into tiny pieces and fed
-high quality brewers yeast (Lewis labs if you only need it for a few birds works well.)

Synthetic Remedy:
-Poly-vi-sol children's vitamin liquid drops NO ADDED IRON just the regular formula.


When I first heard about various "B" vitamins having an effect on leg issues w/chickens was a few years ago in one of Joel Salatin's books. Here is some info that is very interesting on riboflavin in young chicks in particular. I think if you click on the images they will come up large enough to read.

Pastured Poultry Profits
Author: Joel Salatin
Chapter 26 In It's Entirety
For Educational Purposes Only. No copyright infringement intended

Someone had remarked earlier how they wondered how the birds could be fine one day and not able to walk the next. In another part of JS book, he mentioned that was what happened. One day they were in that condition. After feeding the liver, they recovered quite quickly as well.
Affected "chick" in this case is probably four months old (@jchny2000 and @LonelyPageTurne --you two might know his exact age better, but he's a rose-comb clean-faced progeny of jchny200)'s splash Maran). I've got him on Denagard (just in case) and electrolytes/vitamins. He does have some bruising around the hock joint, but it's pretty minor and obviously hurts to tinker with it (he nipped me this morning). Poor buddy. Going to have to name him Mr. April because of his cute little "rain drops".

I have a couple volunteer mulberry trees growing in the litter under a big pine tree in my yard. My plan was to cut them back, but I started thinking yesterday that maybe I should just transplant one or both to the area planned for the new chicken run. Thoughts?
Originally Posted by cganote

I'll take them if you are trying to get rid of them =) I used to hate them, because they are so weedy, but if you try making salad dressing with the ripe berries you might have a change of heart. I planted some from my parent's yard near the bird area and I can't wait for it to be old enough to fruit.
Hear, hear! The little fruit-bearing mulberry trees I don't mind so much because my FIL and the chickens love them. The big non-bearing tree not so much. We've whacked it to the earth several times, and the darn thing keeps coming back to tear at our gutters. Have the same problem with some young black walnuts.

My sassy Fayoumi, Marama, jumped the 6' fence into our dog yard during free-range this afternoon. Our dogs have never been trustworthy with the chickens, and Marama didn't stand a chance in there with them. I'm so heartbroken all over again. Miss Attitude, herself. My flock feels so much smaller once again.

I'm so sorry! She was a very pretty girl.
Rural king in terre haute is doing a free chick week first 10 are free after rebate I'll get anyone some if you like just need address and gas money to deliver them
After closer review it said you get the money back in store credit so I guess I can't pay for it but if you reimburse me I can do it you keep the store credit it gets sent to you on a card... Thought I was going to be chicken Santa clause ugh lol

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