Any body think this will be a good brooder I think add a heater to the bottom shelf and need no lamps... Right?
A lot of people think that tilling with a tiller is a great thing. Yes it makes the soil nice and pretty and easier to plant in, but it also brings up weed seeds. The best way I have found to keep weeds out and have awesome soil is to mulch. I get the tree company to drop off a few loads right in my garden. And it is FREE!!! After the first few years once the mulch starts breaking down your dirt will be so fluffy and fertile. I also do prefer my raised beds for certain plants...great for drainage.

Any body think this will be a good brooder I think add a heater to the bottom shelf and need no lamps... Right?

I would say no. In my opinion I would worry about any heat source melting the plastic. I would also worry it wouldn't give the chicks a way to escape the heat, and could very easily kill them due to overheating.
I would say no.  In my opinion I would worry about any heat source melting the plastic.  I would also worry it wouldn't give the chicks a way to escape the heat, and could very easily kill them due to overheating. 

My second idea was to plug up a heater away from it use heat resistant pipe or tubing and run it to the bottom maybe open the top a bit and maybe a fan and then over the course of 3-5 days check for concistentcy
My second idea was to plug up a heater away from it use heat resistant pipe or tubing and run it to the bottom maybe open the top a bit and maybe a fan and then over the course of 3-5 days check for concistentcy

You don't want consistency throughout though. There needs to be hot spots and cool spots on each level so they can cool off or warm up as needed. I don't think you are ever going to get that in a tall skinny greenhouse.
5 babies!! :weee

I'm just totally shocked! All 5 of Margie's eggs are growing! I could even see the babies moving in them!! :love 5 baby Reublets!

I did have a question, though, for those of you who hatch regularly! I set the eggs under her on Thursday afternoon last week and counted Friday as day 1. That would make today day 7, correct? The babies looked more like pictures of eggs candled on day 9 or 10, though. They are smaller eggs, probably considered small or even peewee by the egg scale. Could they be developing a little faster because of their size? I mean, the babies are moving around, so I'm assuming they're just fine, just curious about their development. :)
I pulled the meaties in off the back porch into my bedroom last night because they were too cold even with their lights. This morning they keep flying out of their boxes
. They are 2 weeks old. I thought it hilarious, husband was not amused when he nearly stepped on one. Btw, he's the one told me to put them there lol.
That sounds familiar! I was stressing over my Muscovy the first winter we had them, my drake had a frostbit knob. All 4 ducks sere hauled into the unheated porch. Fortunately it has a concrete floor, it was a mess even with shavings and a tarp down.

Quote: Exactly! I have already added a small unit to keep on the kitchen counter! I love our big one, but it takes up way too much space. It went on the shelf with my processing supplies, waiting for the next hog and meaties.

Ive got automatic weed pullers- 7 kids
. They need something to keep busy all summer, so I put them to work pulling weeds and feeding tote animals lol.

I got my first rhode island red pullet egg today! Lol youd think it was my first egg ever the way I carried on at them. But Ive waited for these pullets to lay all winter!
LOL! My automatic pullers are all grown and moved away
. Happy for my girls, but I sure miss their help!
Congrats on the egg I always get excited over new layers.

I've got some test eggs in the incubator & stumbled across this idea:

Has anyone here ever tried it in our climate?

I'm hoping our temps are mild this April, so the chicks can move to the garage by then. If I could brood in the garage even sooner, I'd be very happy. Dare I dream to set up a dog crate inside the covered run?? (It's has storm windows like a green house in the winter.)

you have my attention!
Quote: Thanks for the cardboard idea! We do till a full sweep between rows, but I want to do companion planting with corn, pumpkin and possibly a couple other crops.
I do get mulch every year from a tree company. Good idea too! Our garden Is right next to our cow & goats pasture, we add manure when the gardens done and till everything up very well.
5 babies!!

I'm just totally shocked! All 5 of Margie's eggs are growing! I could even see the babies moving in them!!
5 baby Reublets!

I did have a question, though, for those of you who hatch regularly! I set the eggs under her on Thursday afternoon last week and counted Friday as day 1. That would make today day 7, correct? The babies looked more like pictures of eggs candled on day 9 or 10, though. They are smaller eggs, probably considered small or even peewee by the egg scale. Could they be developing a little faster because of their size? I mean, the babies are moving around, so I'm assuming they're just fine, just curious about their development.
Yes, thats how I would count it. It takes several hours of warmth to begin development. Its been a long while since I have done silkies, but I seem to remember them growing a little slower. Exciting for you and Margie!
25 days til spring!!! Another warm up this Saturday. Feverishly spring cleaning indoors, want things in order so I have lots out outside time when spring gets here. My sister has been visiting a little more, freeing me up to be able to take care of more outside.
5 babies!!

I'm just totally shocked! All 5 of Margie's eggs are growing! I could even see the babies moving in them!!
5 baby Reublets!

I did have a question, though, for those of you who hatch regularly! I set the eggs under her on Thursday afternoon last week and counted Friday as day 1. That would make today day 7, correct? The babies looked more like pictures of eggs candled on day 9 or 10, though. They are smaller eggs, probably considered small or even peewee by the egg scale. Could they be developing a little faster because of their size? I mean, the babies are moving around, so I'm assuming they're just fine, just curious about their development.
Congrats on the development so far! My broody hen tends to "run a little hot." When we set eggs under her & in the incubator at the same time, she hatched out hers around day 19, but the incubator took the usual 21 days. Perhaps your hen is a little over-achiever like mine. LOL

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