A friend of DH's passed away a few weeks ago. He has some beautiful Boar Goats that we have been trying to get a few off him for the past 4 years, they were his pets so he wasn't selling, now that his kids have inherited it all they are selling and DH was first on the call list, SO... we are making a trip north this am to see what we can get, DH already has a billy picked out ( I haven't seen the babies this year ) and I am told they have lots of does, so I may break the bank... lol Will post pic's latter
Hope everyone has a great day.
One more thing (since I trashed one company)...I'd like to do a shameless product recommendation.

TSC has its own line of pet foods (dogs and cats only I think) called 4Health. It had excellent reviews from customers. I have always fed my cats premium foods like Hill's Science Diet plus a little Iams for variety. However, Hill's has gotten so expensive even on sale that I've been looking for alternatives where I don't sacrifice quality. 4Health fits the bill! We have fed both their grain-free cat food and have a bag of their indoor formula that I haven't tried yet. Cats are true carnivores, so grain-free or grain-reduced is the way to go if you can afford it. The indoor formula has some grain, but not tons, and has lower calories per cup if you have tubby tabbies.

I've been feeding it for several months now and have not noticed any negative changes in health, weight, energy levels, regurgitation/hairballs, coat quality, stool quality, etc., in my small herd of five cats (1-2 of which will go to DD sometime this year). I expected more hairballs to be honest, but it didn't happen. In fact, we have less problem with hairballs than we did before.

The dog foods also have excellent reviews. We don't feed them to Beavis since he is doing well on less expensive foods (even though 4Health is definitely inexpensive for premium quality). If you normally spend a fortune on dog food, it might be worth trying if you go to TSC for poultry/other items anyway. Just never change a dog or cat's food all at once--gradually mix in the new food over a period of at least 3 days, preferably 5-7.

This has nothing to do with chickens except that I know some folks on here supplement their chickens with cat food for the high protein level. (I do that, too--usually Purina Naturals or Meijer's knockoff of it). It sure helped with molting last year!

I put our cat on it 1-month ago and we saw a huge difference in his energy and health over all. Regurgitation/hairballs was the reason I looked into it and that is non existent now.
I'm still playing catch up after being gone so long, but I finally brought my dad home from the hospital in Indy on Sunday -- 2 weeks of living out of a motel room for me! He's doing well with his recovery from the heart valve replacement. Thanks to all of you who sent your thoughts and well wishes!
Ok friends, I need help. Predator attacks never cease here apparently. This morning, my first day off in 7 days, and I let chickens of all ages out of their pens and coops to get a little free range time. I am in my kitchen when I start hearing a ruckus. Roxy, the furchild, starts going crazy and I grab the .22 and run out the door barefoot. Two foxes are tearing into my flock. I shoot and they run, but I notice a young cockerel is dead and one of my last Silkies is gone. The rest of the young ones made it to safety. I go looking for the big kids now and I'm still hearing squaking. I go over to the woods and a fox has my line Ayam Cemani, I shoot, it lets her go and runs. This poor girl. She is the one that had feathers ripped out by the landlord's dog and flew in the house. She must be made of something tough because there isn't a scratch on her that I can see. I found a white leghorn's feather pile, so that's another loss. The other white leghorn is in the woods and I get her to go back into the coop. Next I see my lone Marans rooster dead. And then I have a BLRW and splash Sumatra unaccounted for. I am PRAYING that they are hidden somewhere and will come out later.

We have been doing so good since I put up the fence and installed the door. The one day I'm home and this happens right under my nose. So after a jaunt through the woods and locking everyone back up, sitting on the patio with the .22 in hopes that the foxes come back, it starts raining. I brought my lone Silkie inside for today...put some food and water out for it and let it get acquainted with the living room. "It" turns out to be a he! He started crowing, ok, well, trying...pretty rusty at this point. This is the Silkie that when the hatching day was here and it was the first one out, my DF was over and had accidentally flipped the light switch, which turned off the incubator. When I went to check hatching progress and noticed everything was cold, turned things back on and held this baby in front of a heater and rubbed it back to life. (3 others out of 7 had made it) so this little guy is special.

The help I am asking for is if anyone Indy or lower has any Silkies - doesn't matter what color or quality - available, and doesn't matter the age. He is already confused and lonely, calling out for his friends. I am off all weekend and can meet wherever. I am definitely willing to pay for birds, but don't want to break the bank. I assure whoever has them, that I will take good care of them. I already have a plan of action for the Silkie coop to be more secure. Thanks and I will check in later!

*also cross posting on Facebook BYC for any available Silkies.
Ok friends, I need help. Predator attacks never cease here apparently. This morning, my first day off in 7 days, and I let chickens of all ages out of their pens and coops to get a little free range time. I am in my kitchen when I start hearing a ruckus. Roxy, the furchild, starts going crazy and I grab the .22 and run out the door barefoot. Two foxes are tearing into my flock. I shoot and they run, but I notice a young cockerel is dead and one of my last Silkies is gone. The rest of the young ones made it to safety. I go looking for the big kids now and I'm still hearing squaking. I go over to the woods and a fox has my line Ayam Cemani, I shoot, it lets her go and runs. This poor girl. She is the one that had feathers ripped out by the landlord's dog and flew in the house. She must be made of something tough because there isn't a scratch on her that I can see. I found a white leghorn's feather pile, so that's another loss. The other white leghorn is in the woods and I get her to go back into the coop. Next I see my lone Marans rooster dead. And then I have a BLRW and splash Sumatra unaccounted for. I am PRAYING that they are hidden somewhere and will come out later.

We have been doing so good since I put up the fence and installed the door. The one day I'm home and this happens right under my nose. So after a jaunt through the woods and locking everyone back up, sitting on the patio with the .22 in hopes that the foxes come back, it starts raining. I brought my lone Silkie inside for today...put some food and water out for it and let it get acquainted with the living room. "It" turns out to be a he! He started crowing, ok, well, trying...pretty rusty at this point. This is the Silkie that when the hatching day was here and it was the first one out, my DF was over and had accidentally flipped the light switch, which turned off the incubator. When I went to check hatching progress and noticed everything was cold, turned things back on and held this baby in front of a heater and rubbed it back to life. (3 others out of 7 had made it) so this little guy is special.

The help I am asking for is if anyone Indy or lower has any Silkies - doesn't matter what color or quality - available, and doesn't matter the age. He is already confused and lonely, calling out for his friends. I am off all weekend and can meet wherever. I am definitely willing to pay for birds, but don't want to break the bank. I assure whoever has them, that I will take good care of them. I already have a plan of action for the Silkie coop to be more secure. Thanks and I will check in later!

*also cross posting on Facebook BYC for any available Silkies.
Sorry for all your loses, your not having a great year a far as that goes, thats for sure.
I haven't seen any fox round here and don't want to either.

Just got back from our goat buying trip and got them all settled, had to build a house for them real fast cause.. well... we came home with more than we planed on... lol told ya I was gonna see if I could break the bank... I did.

George: Black headed Boar billy 3 mths old

Oreo: Blk/wht/blue paint Boar Doe 3 mths old

Sophie: Paint Boar doe 3 mths old

Yet to be named: Boar Doe 8 mths old
we got 1 more that looks just like the last one but the battery went dead before I could get a pic, that one is also a doe 8 mths old.
DH says I got 5 new goats so he gets 5 mths of me kissing his butt... lol
The older ones are tame, but the others need some work, they will come close to ya and follow you around if you have hay or a feed bucket in your hands but wont let ya touch them. It wont be long and they will be in my lap... lol
They don't like the dogs!!! Scared to death of them, that wont last long either.

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