I guess brooder temps are probably my issue. I've set them up best I can, but it's not ideal; their brooder box is in the coop so I only have so much control. Hopefully with it being warmer this week they'll do better.
Been busy, but thought I'd drop in to show off my funny, little 80s hair band. I sold one today, so I'm down to 5. Still I have no way of knowing the sex. All have black "spitz" but since I hatched them, I highly doubt all are female. I should be able to see some pink comb or wattles, but so far, none. If anyone has advice on how to sex this breed (aside from crowing vs eggs), please let me know. They're 4 weeks old.
They're hard to sex until a little older and even then can be foolers. In general the crest will slope forward in the pullets and split in the cockerels. Lower right I would guess cockerel. Can't see crests well enough on the others. Cute pics! They're great birds.
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Ooohhhh those turkey poults are sooo cute
My husband actually told me no for the first time (pertaining to poultry) and wouldn't let me get any at Rural King. Of course its partially my own fault, since our RK is now enforcing the 6 minimum rule, and I really don't need any more chicks at this exact point in time. I've gone from 8 to 36 in the last 4 months
. 12 out of 13 Easter Eggers hatching didn't help those numbers any lol. When I read reviews and posts about the new incubator I got, it said expect only a 25% hatch rate for the first time. I set 13 thinking I'd get between 3-6....oooooopsies.

Here is my Blondie who gets to stay no matter what it ends up being. My first hatch ever and was yellow instead of the usual chipmunk, I took that to mean it was special
. Also (as if I needed another reason) It loves being held by me!!
My first experience with bitty poults. I couldn't get over how calm and sweet they were when I took them out of the bator.
The 2 yellow I thought were Midget White but they both have a dark stripe down their backs.

The yellow with the light stripe on the back is simialr to what I remember the sweetgrass poults looking like, at least the light phase version. But it could be Blue Palm also.

@racinchickins you're going to need to remind me of what the possibilities I have with the poults breeds!?!!
I haven't separated the varieties, so a mix is the biggest possibility. My dominant tom is a Bronze. I also have two Blue Palm toms. Females are sweetgrass or blue palm. I think I had a midget white female then also that ended up going to you.
okay, so we got a few chicks a while back and they are around 8 weeks old. we have a buff Orpington pullet but she has black on her tail feathers. any thoughts on if she has something else in her? I will put some pictures below:

okay, so we got a few chicks a while back and they are around 8 weeks old. we have a buff Orpington pullet but she has black on her tail feathers. any thoughts on if she has something else in her? I will put some pictures below:

That is not un common in the buff Orpingtons. I always called it peppering.
Hi All! I am running by for a quick visit! I started my new job last month and freaking love it! The only thing I don't love is the drive! An hour each way! I will be starting working from home one day a week this week and will eventually be able to go up to another work from home day a week. I got kind of used to being bored at my job and spending all day online, and I am now so busy at work I can't get on! I am just so happy I made the move to the new company.

My evenings have also been busy with seed/fertilizer spreading and a ton of new fencing! I did want to share the fence posts I use in case anyone was looking for a really nice looking/easy fencing solution. They are priced about the same as wood posts but are made out of a composite material that won't break or shatter, and they pound in like t-posts (but look like nice wood or pvc fencing). They are also self insulating so you can use them with electric fencing. They come in white, black, cedar or hickory colors. Pasture pro fence posts.

Picture from the site, I was too lazy to get pics of mine (mine are the hickory color)

In other news, I have three broodies that I am currently battling. Two silkied ameraucana and a bielefelder/isbar mix. Seriously, one of the reasons I wanted to get rid of those isbars is that they were so broody! I also caught about 10 of the girls fighting over eating an egg yesterday. So now I get to figure out how to retrofit some roll out nest boxes. Grrrrrrr. My only consolation is that it might also help with the broody issue. If they can't find any eggs they might give up!

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