@racinchickins You got the rose comb red Dorkings from Sand Hill earlier this year, right? Any use for a pair of rose comb silver greys that some derriere in Colorado sold me as hatching eggs? I lost my own derriere on that transaction (folks, don't buy hatching eggs on eBay unless you verify the seller is NPIP, otherwise they will not be marked properly, not have the right paperwork, and it's illegal on top of all that nuisance). I am pretty sure I have one of each not so much because of the SGD autosexing trait, but because they are starting to look different now both in feather color and especially the combs. The one I assume is a pullet has just an almost flat comb. The boy's gets bigger by the day. It's a dominant trait, so I do not want it mixed with my single combed (APA correct) SGDs. I have a suspicion these are mixes of two Dorking colors.

In general news, we lost our second old hatchery hen to the aftermath of the heat yesterday. Feel bad. We'd have culled her anyway, but still...
Hi all! I hope everyone is surviving the heat! I am getting ready to list my farm for sale to try to get a bit closer to an interstate for easier commuting (I'm currently just outside of Zionsville off of Michigan Rd). I'm going all the way downtown for work and it is taking me 55 minutes! I'm hoping to shave 15-20 minutes off of each leg of the commute! I'm telling you, the housing market is insane right now! There is apparently a housing shortage and anything with acreage is going quickly and with multiple bidders. Which is of course great for selling! But then I have to find one to buy!!! The stress level is insane!!

Since the last of my chickens left last week, I have some medication that I will give to someone. I have a bag of corrid and a huge jug of Oxine (i was using it to clean my incubator when I was hatching). Both are free to whoever wants them, but you have to come pick them up. Please let me know if you would like them!
I'm so glad things are going well for you!
So, you're loading up the truck and mov'n to 'Beverly' so to speak? For all you youngsters, that was a throw back hint to the the Beverly Hillbillies who left the country for the city.
What specifics are you looking for in a house? I'll keep my ears open for you. Are you taking your horses with you?
Last year, DW and I saw Barbra Streisand in Chicago and it was a great show. When we got back home, DM said it was a bucket list concert she wanted to go to, and if Barbra ever came this way again she wanted to go.

In May, I read that Barbra Streisand was coming to Chicago again this year, in August. I checked with DM and she was ecastatic. I bought a pair of tickets and a hotel room for them--a mini anniversary celebration for them to enjoy.

This past weekend, DM said she was too tired to drive, and gave me the 'thanks but no thanks' speech. Said they had too much to do, and so forth. I was shocked. It's not every day Barbra gives a concert, and my mother nonchalantly changed her mind about seeing the singer on her bucket list. It felt like I was in the twilight zone.

We can't go because I have a client audit and I can't leave the plant. I was able to cancel the hotel room, but I still have a pair of tickets if anybody else likes her, PM me.
I'm so glad things are going well for you!
So, you're loading up the truck and mov'n to 'Beverly' so to speak? For all you youngsters, that was a throw back hint to the the Beverly Hillbillies who left the country for the city.
What specifics are you looking for in a house? I'll keep my ears open for you. Are you taking your horses with you?

Thanks! I am doing so. I'm probably moving closer to your hood. I'm hoping to end up either reasonably close to 65 or 74, so I'm looking at the Whitestown/Brownsburg/Danville areas. Really hoping to get my commute under 40 minutes but I love the NW side of Indy and am hoping to stay in that area! I want at least 3.5 acres and I need a shelter/fencing already in place for horses. I'm negotiable on everything else. I'm ok with a project house too (clearly I need more to do :).

I think Julie asked a while back and I forgot to answer, I am going back for my Masters in Business Administration (MBA). I was accepted into the West Virginia University program last week! It will mean some trips back and forth, but a lot of it will be online. It's been so long since I had homework and tests! I can't even wrap my head around it!
No photos available from today of the 2 adult SFH.

But here are 2 of the 11 wk old Buckeyes that I believe are pullets.


The head/face on these kids remind me somewhat of the dark Cornish...wonder if there is some in there somewhere?

I'm not particularly excited about having a bunch of red birds, but so far these kiddos have a wonderful personality. I wonder what they'll be like as adults? Seems like they're very friendly and just enjoyable little kiddos.
I believe there is, I remember that sparking my interest in them. They look great!

@racinchickins You got the rose comb red Dorkings from Sand Hill earlier this year, right? Any use for a pair of rose comb silver greys that some derriere in Colorado sold me as hatching eggs? I lost my own derriere on that transaction (folks, don't buy hatching eggs on eBay unless you verify the seller is NPIP, otherwise they will not be marked properly, not have the right paperwork, and it's illegal on top of all that nuisance). I am pretty sure I have one of each not so much because of the SGD autosexing trait, but because they are starting to look different now both in feather color and especially the combs. The one I assume is a pullet has just an almost flat comb. The boy's gets bigger by the day. It's a dominant trait, so I do not want it mixed with my single combed (APA correct) SGDs. I have a suspicion these are mixes of two Dorking colors.

In general news, we lost our second old hatchery hen to the aftermath of the heat yesterday. Feel bad. We'd have culled her anyway, but still...
I lost my sick orp hen this morning too. Sorry to hear it! It looks like this isnt over, August is shaping up to be hot too.

Just some more chicken bonding today!

Loved your pictures!
Miketodd- you beat me to it! I had just sat down to post a pic of my oldest holding her favorite pullet. She definitely has the love of chickens already... i hope her future husband doesnt mind.

Thats awesome! We are making sure that we and the kids handle the chickens while they are young. 3 of the chicks are so sweet they run up to be petted as soon as we enter the coop.
The neighbor girls were over and they love chicken bonding too. They have a few hens so they aren't shy around them.
Oh yeah, you'd be surprised how kids love them. We've had chickens on/off since she was 3, so she's a pretty good wrangler. I've taught her how to approach them to where they aren't frightened and end up running to her like raptors. Our young ones found the dust bathing spot of our old gals. Behind the bushes along the house. They didn't quite know what to do. The one she's holding rolled onto its back and laid like a cat looking up at us like "Am I doing this right?" I think they got the job done, they were pretty dusty and seemed content. I'm glad it's not as hot and humid, but it doesn't look like it will rain up here for a while. Back to watering the garden every evening.
Miketodd- you beat me to it! I had just sat down to post a pic of my oldest holding her favorite pullet. She definitely has the love of chickens already... i hope her future husband doesnt mind.

Too Precious!!!! @MikeTodd to you also, it will sure help kids respect animals later in life. Thank you for involving your children, its certainly important for them to learn compassion. Your flocks will be awesome having been imprinted to the kids. Warms my heart so much to see children interested in poultry!

My kids are grown and married, but I have lots of neighbor kids that visit during summer break. Less during school times. DHs coworkers kids, and some are just good friends children/grandkids too. I insist on talking to the parents before the kids do visit. 1 boy is 16 and here almost daily! Next door neighbors kids, and up the road several teens from our cow neighbors house. They love the ducklings, chicks, goslings and the tiny quail chicks. The older children LOVE to give the calves their bottles. I welcome it. Our community was a big farming network and the children learned farming and respect for the animals. Although its been taken over by progress, some of the older families here want our kids to learn about a farm environment. These children learn respect, and my critters are human imprinted. I will not leave the kids alone with any animals so I have to make sure my parent care is in place too.

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