
Yes....this is the only vet I know of in the area that will treat chickens:

Western Veterinary Clinic

I checked all over "kingdom come" and this was the only one that I could find that would see chickens. You do have to take one in for a preliminary visit. I was going to take in poo for a worm check - which they will do - but they require you to bring in at least one of the birds for a check...I think due to legal restrictions.

ETA: They are located west side of South Bend.
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Greetings Indiana Chicken Friends!

After years of wanting, saying, and contemplating the city ordinance against chickens, we finally got three fluffy babies June 16th. Though I tried to get the process started before we got them, my builders are finally in process (older son and hubby). It is Summer, and they have a good yard, so we're managing okay, and they should have their coop inside an existing kennel by September for sure. We've been bringing them inside at night, but it just occurred to me, from a forum post here, that we could take their dog cage outside now, shelter it, and shut them in that at night.

Over the past few years, I had noticed and talked to a few people who have chickens in town, one across the street from the police station. As we finally dug in, I checked online, as I had easily found it before, and I am glad to say that it appears our town has dropped anything specifically about chickens, since nuisance and roaming animal laws will cover anyone not taking good care. Indiana state law already says, "No roosters." That's a bit of a relief.

I have been reading a few things on Backyard Chickens for a few months and decided I should join up, since we are among your ranks for real.

If you're interested in our kennel coop saga, you can watch the videos here...

Chick Flicks:

...more to come

I was trying to watch your video and I'm having trouble watching it...lots of fits and starts. Google is trying to tell me that it may be High Definition and that may be the problem. I've never had them do that before.

All that is to say that what I did see made me want to watch the whole thing but I couldn't get through it.

The other thing is that you can post your youtube right here so it shows in a forum post. I was going to embed and show you how that works in this forum but your channel has restricted the embed code so I can't copy the embed code.

Anyway.... I'm going to go back and see if its streaming better looks like a really good video!

ETA: I seem to be having trouble with Youtube tonight so it's probably just something going on in my network. I'll try again tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to seeing how you attached that roof!
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Yes....this is the only vet I know of in the area that will treat chickens:

Western Veterinary Clinic

I checked all over "kingdom come" and this was the only one that I could find that would see chickens. You do have to take one in for a preliminary visit. I was going to take in poo for a worm check - which they will do - but they require you to bring in at least one of the birds for a check...I think due to legal restrictions.

ETA: They are located west side of South Bend.
Thank you. I was going to take a rooster to have euthanized, but he is much stronger today so now I'll just keep taking care of him.
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What a busy summer! Haven't posted much at all, but have kept up reading all the posts! Our fair just wrapped up Saturday evening, so after practically living at the fairgrounds since Thursday of the previous week I'm now trying to catch up on everything. Been tackling the harvest of zucchini & cucumbers
and gave a lime treatment to 92 tomato plants hoping to correct our blossom end rot problem. School starts in 2 days
and Friday after school Chloe & I head to Indy for the state fair & the rabbit ambassador competition on Sunday. Hoping to work in a 2nd college visit to U of Indy on Saturday while we're there. We were there this spring for a nursing day visit, but would like to check it out again. Chloe took a CNA course at one of the local nursing homes over spring break, got in her clinical hours and passed her CNA test in June. She's been working at the nursing home - going to try to fit it in with her senior year of high school -- and loves working with the residents there. She truly has a gift for working with the elderly. I think Chloe's experiences of working with my mom and her dementia while she was still here at home helped develop that passion in her.

This spring was the first since having chickens that we didn't get chicks -- I've been awfully jealous of the cute baby pics that have been posted the past few months! Not sure if we'll get some this fall or wait until spring. I'd like to not get hatchery chicks, but don't know of anyone close who has chicks. We've had a number of our ISA hens die this summer -- some of our original ones. Don't think I'll get more of those again. While they're good egg layers they certainly do seem to have a shorter life span. We like our buff orps and australorps but I'd also be interested in a new breed too...
Hello everybody and good day to you all. I hope everyone's day is going well
. Sadly for my Rosie (ISA pullet) her day turned horrifying. My neighbor informed me this afternoon when she came home for lunch break, that Rosie had jumped her fence and her dogs started pulling out all of her feathers and may have broken something
. So I hurried next door and found my poor very sweet Rosie under the front bushes looking in a complete daze. I slowly and very carefully picked her up to comfort her and also to see how badly she was hurt. Well as you can see from the one photo her leg is badly hurt but not broken. I have her right now in the pinned in area where the coops are, figured I would make it easy for her, less walking. Is there anything I can do for her? Please help
, I know she's hurting and I feel so bad for her.
God Bless



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