I'm so stoked, I have to share! I let chicken math win and impulsively bought some young chickens. I had to, I love them and have never seen them for sale before, especially not within driving distance!! So a long (long, so long, seriously LONG!!) car ride to and from Chicago, I'm at home at last with my newest additions--Silkied Bantam Cochins!! :weee :celebrate Please note--NOT Silkie x Cochin mixes, which I could breed for myself if I really wanted to, but actual, real, PURE Cochins with silkied feathers!! I'm in love!! :love I got a trio of reds and a black cockerel. I'm still working on names for them, but I do have pictures! :D

Black cockerel:


Red cockerel:


Red pullet. This little girl didn't want to come out from behind the red cockerel to pose for a picture :rolleyes:


The second red pullet is smaller than the others and has a lot of blue in her feathers in person. She's so pretty! :love


The person I got them from is apparently one who travels and shows her birds, especially her Seramas, including at the Central Indiana Poultry Show in Lebanon--meaning I've probably seen her birds before when I've gone down to look at the birds in the show! I thought that was kind of neat! :D She said she had a BYC account, but I can't seem to find it to tag her here, unfortunately. :/ I'll have to dig around and see if I can find her UN!
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@jchny2000 , @Leahs Mom , and @Crafty chick thanks for the responses! I have some applications out already and a home health agency that my mom works for and enjoys being a part of is my best possibility so far.

It still feels very unreal that I don't have a job, but I am getting through it. My pup is just having a grand 'ol time having me home all day! A friend posted this bible verse this morning:

"Declare today that you won't stress over things that are out of your control. People will be people, jobs will be jobs, but one thing is for sure, God will be God. Let him handle it! Psalm 46:10

I usually don't quote the bible and I am usually more spiritual than religious, but this one hit me. It was perfect to show up this week and I know I'll make it through and another door will open before I know it!
@Leahs Mom - I have one SLW and a GLW. They love foraging and I have been able to pick both of them up without too much fuss. Neither are laying yet, but I know I'll have some nice brown eggs before long! I have always enjoyed Wyandottes in my flock.

I am still waiting for eggs. I am so done with this heat. I think all of the girls are thinking they'll start laying when it cools off some. Except for two bantam girls that is! I have a chef friend who does dinner parties for the "elite" people in my area and he is going to be buying all my bantam eggs once I start getting a steadier amount. He'll be using regular eggs too, but he wants to play around with the smaller size. Some people are turned off by quail eggs, so he's pretty eggcited to be getting these little beauties!I had planned to start doing desserts for him at some point, so I will definitely get to start that now.
@jchny2000 , @Leahs Mom , and @Crafty chick thanks for the responses! I have some applications out already and a home health agency that my mom works for and enjoys being a part of is my best possibility so far.

It still feels very unreal that I don't have a job, but I am getting through it. My pup is just having a grand 'ol time having me home all day! A friend posted this bible verse this morning:

"Declare today that you won't stress over things that are out of your control. People will be people, jobs will be jobs, but one thing is for sure, God will be God. Let him handle it! Psalm 46:10

I usually don't quote the bible and I am usually more spiritual than religious, but this one hit me. It was perfect to show up this week and I know I'll make it through and another door will open before I know it!
That is very appropriate and wise.

So I have an unemployment story and it fits right with the verse you posted.

I worked at a place for 9 years then the job was deleted not too long after another company bought us out and 911 happened. Even though I prayed about it, I was "typically worried" and I don't like selling myself.

The LAST WEEK of my unemployment money I got a call from a business owner. He owns about 7 companies and he had just purchased another little company that I had done some freelance work for. He had asked them who did it and they gave him my number. Wanted to know if I'd like to do some freelance for him.

Went in to talk with him and he literally said, "You aren't working right now, right?" I said no, the job was eliminated. To which he replied, "Do you just want to work here instead of doing freelance?" To which I replied, "sure".

I've now been there for 12 years.

Literally started the first day of the week that my unemployment ran out.

Felt very much that God had provided in a way that I never would have been able to dream up on my own.

Wish I had enjoyed my time off a little more....
Hey all!
I'm an on the west side of Indianapolis. I currently have two Pekins, going to get a third and an Americuana hen this evening. I also raise rabbits for meet, have several fish tanks, a cat that thinks she's a tiger, and am an avid gardener. I'm new to the fowl world, but come from a long line of farmers on both sides (trying to get back to my roots :p). I am a stay at home dad, full time student, and a disabled USMC Vet. Anyone who would have any advice for a newbie would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Welcome to BYC and our thread!
Sounds like an awesome, busy life. And thank you for serving our country!
Feel free to jump right in, ask questions or just chat about your birds.

I'm so stoked, I have to share! I let chicken math win and impulsively bought some young chickens. I had to, I love them and have never seen them for sale before, especially not within driving distance!! So a long (long, so long, seriously LONG!!) car ride to and from Chicago, I'm at home at last with my newest additions--Silkied Bantam Cochins!!
Please note--NOT Silkie x Cochin mixes, which I could breed for myself if I really wanted to, but actual, real, PURE Cochins with silkied feathers!! I'm in love!!
I got a trio of reds and a black cockerel. I'm still working on names for them, but I do have pictures!

Black cockerel:

Red cockerel:

Red pullet. This little girl didn't want to come out from behind the red cockerel to pose for a picture

The second red pullet is smaller than the others and has a lot of blue in her feathers in person. She's so pretty!

The person I got them from is apparently one who travels and shows her birds, especially her Seramas, including at the Central Indiana Poultry Show in Lebanon--meaning I've probably seen her birds before when I've gone down to look at the birds in the show! I thought that was kind of neat!
She said she had a BYC account, but I can't seem to find it to tag her here, unfortunately.
I'll have to dig around and see if I can find her UN!
Wow they are so adorable!
Welcome to BYC and our thread!
Sounds like an awesome, busy life. And thank you for serving our country!
Feel free to jump right in, ask questions or just chat about your birds.

Thank you! It gets a little hectic, but better busy than bored! I picked up my second Pekin hen tonight along with a Rhode Island Red. The rabbits are my main focus for now, but in the spring my flock will increase.

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