Gotta question about nesting boxes:

I started to make a temporary hutch for my buns, and decided after I had the roof and walls screwed together that it was too small. They are 16in deep, 12in wide, 12in tall "stalls". As I had is sitting on the work bench roof down I thought, "hunh! I can still use this for the chickens!" Would these dimensions work? Do I need to add a top to it, even though it's in the coop? I just want to know if I should make any adjustments.

I can't really complain, I've only spent 5 bucks on the whole coop (hinges for the door). Everything else is pallets and scrap ply and 2x4s that were given to me from various people. Not very pretty but it works! I just want to make sure Reba, and her incoming "sisters" will be happy and utilize them for nesting.
Big thanks to @Indyshent, @ellymayRans, and @Jchny2000. Going to try removing Peep for a while to see we can knock her down a peg or two. Going to have to get creative with secure housing though. Will she be okay in a small dog crate for two weeks given adequate food, water, and a little outside play time each day?
I would say for 2 weeks she will be fine. several chickens at the fair survive in their crates for a week at county then another week at state. But happy is another matter.
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Big thanks to @Indyshent, @ellymayRans, and @Jchny2000. Going to try removing Peep for a while to see we can knock her down a peg or two. Going to have to get creative with secure housing though. Will she be okay in a small dog crate for two weeks given adequate food, water, and a little outside play time each day?

She'll be fine.. unless it's a super cramped dog crate! So long as she can stand up and walk around, she should be fine.
Gotta question about nesting boxes:

I started to make a temporary hutch for my buns, and decided after I had the roof and walls screwed together that it was too small. They are 16in deep, 12in wide, 12in tall "stalls". As I had is sitting on the work bench roof down I thought, "hunh! I can still use this for the chickens!" Would these dimensions work? Do I need to add a top to it, even though it's in the coop? I just want to know if I should make any adjustments.

I can't really complain, I've only spent 5 bucks on the whole coop (hinges for the door). Everything else is pallets and scrap ply and 2x4s that were given to me from various people. Not very pretty but it works! I just want to make sure Reba, and her incoming "sisters" will be happy and utilize them for nesting.
That'll be fine--even a bit bigger than most people use. I've seen people use 8in by 8in by 8in "stalls" for their nestboxes--for standard hens! Now, I wouldn't dream of using anything that small for my girls, but I think the dimensions you gave would be pleasantly roomy for them.

My girls have eight foot by foot-square nestboxes situated over the two feet deep by 18in tall by 2 feet long turkey nestboxes. The turkey boxes are often taken up by larger hens and ones that simply don't like jumping (or, more often, by ones which are both!); however, courtesy of @jchny2000 , those boxes are finally getting used for their intended purposes! The two new turkey hens have been laying in there every chance they get, which isn't as often as they'd like because all the Brahmas just love those roomy, bottom floor nestboxes, too!
That'll be fine--even a bit bigger than most people use. I've seen people use 8in by 8in by 8in "stalls" for their nestboxes--for standard hens! Now, I wouldn't dream of using anything that small for my girls, but I think the dimensions you gave would be pleasantly roomy for them. 

My girls have eight foot by foot-square nestboxes situated over the two feet deep by 18in tall by 2 feet long turkey nestboxes. The turkey boxes are often taken up by larger hens and ones that simply don't like jumping (or, more often, by ones which are both!); however, courtesy of @jchny2000
, those boxes are finally getting used for their intended purposes! The two new turkey hens have been laying in there every chance they get, which isn't as often as they'd like because all the Brahmas just love those roomy, bottom floor nestboxes, too! 

At first I read the dimensions of yours as 8ftx8ft at first!
. I'm glad that it'll work, that means that the wood won't be wasted.

How do you do with the turkeys and hens getting along? I was told that was a no no unless you had room to keep them separate and could afford to buy the right kind of food for them. I wanted to get a turkey next spring and raise it for Thanksgiving, but was advised not to. Any suggestions?
At first I read the dimensions of yours as 8ftx8ft at first!
. I'm glad that it'll work, that means that the wood won't be wasted.

How do you do with the turkeys and hens getting along? I was told that was a no no unless you had room to keep them separate and could afford to buy the right kind of food for them. I wanted to get a turkey next spring and raise it for Thanksgiving, but was advised not to. Any suggestions?
They can be fine. I've had turkeys, guineas, ducks, bantams and standard chickens all at the same time in the same area. If your property has had turkeys historically, you may want to get tested for blackhead, but otherwise, you're probably okay.
Has anyone seen my post about rehing roosters & male guineas? I haven't seen any response.
Nope. Hadn't seen it, but I wish you lived closer

Craislist stuff for today!

Bunch of show quality bunnies and chickens!

Bottle calves!

Flemish Giants!

Mixed breed bunnies!

16 Bronze turkeys

Feeder pigs!

Wyandotte and Barred Rock chicks

Free Rooster in Indy!

Hens in Indy

Peacock $100

Mini horse stud

Lamancha doe

EE rooster

Lavender Palm poults!

6 Bantam hens, all laying. $10/ea. Mille fleur D'Uccles, silver gray (?) OEGB, gold and silver Sebrights.

Bunch of roosters! And some RSL too!
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Indyshent We are on day one without my sweet head rooster. The lower one seems to be doing fine and my girls were rubbing up against me today. that has never happened. My black sexlink jumped on the food storage bin and made noises til I pet her and then laid down and complained when I stopped. This all seems like nice behaviour to me. Even my shyest come to be stroked for just a minute. I cleaned the coop after the big storm we had yesterday. Gave them new bedding, moved the dog house so they could munch on starts underneath it. Cleaned the cat litter bucket I gave them as a nesting spot and put fresh hay in it. Put the roosts that have been down for a bit back up and gave some yogurt. I am happy to see my Roo letting the girls eat first. He even ran up and grabbed my RIR at the back of the neck when she yet again tried to square off with me. She has a real issue. But he did not drag her around the pen like my top Roo did. Just grabbed her and let go, she walked off. I like that my roosters are protecting me too. its nice. When I came back an HR later my two that are laying had used the cat bucket for the first time! I was happy. Hopefully they will decide they like it. So far the keep moving places, not liking that the eggs disappear. Its been my own Easter egg hunt Easter eggers and all. For day one everyone seems happy. Im relieved. I don't plan on adding any hens until the new coop is done and they are settled. Not going to stress everyone including my self out. But I will need to do this now or next spring. I want 12 hens total. Was just starting with 6 because I was nervous I would find it too much on top of what I already take care of. But there fine. no problem with taking care of them so far. Thanks all!
Gotta question about nesting boxes:

I started to make a temporary hutch for my buns, and decided after I had the roof and walls screwed together that it was too small. They are 16in deep, 12in wide, 12in tall "stalls". As I had is sitting on the work bench roof down I thought, "hunh! I can still use this for the chickens!" Would these dimensions work? Do I need to add a top to it, even though it's in the coop? I just want to know if I should make any adjustments.

I can't really complain, I've only spent 5 bucks on the whole coop (hinges for the door). Everything else is pallets and scrap ply and 2x4s that were given to me from various people. Not very pretty but it works! I just want to make sure Reba, and her incoming "sisters" will be happy and utilize them for nesting.
That's the dimensions i'm using. From what i read 12x12x12 is about standard. But im trying to build a roll out box. Well see how it goes I cant seem to find directions and am winging it.

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