The little preemie poult passed away on its third day. The other two are still doing well and getting along better every day. They've really enjoyed having turkey company but still love cuddles with mommy-bird.
@Faraday40 We had them for a little while. Chicks 2 and 3 look like females. I am suspicious of chick 1. It may be the flash, but it seems like a little red coming in on the chest. I can't believe how fast they have grown! Ours were adults when we got them, so I didn't get to see them as chicks.
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[COLOR=8B4513]HaHa![/COLOR] @Leahs Mom and @ellymayRans [COLOR=8B4513]The Frizzle girls are showing you in the photo below that it was actually an old leather sofa that they were sitting on in the basement—not a bed. That sofa was great for wiping up spills when our kids were young, and it's still easy to wipe up the chicks "spills." lol They do have a nice area fenced off by the sliding glass door along with their bedroom, which is in their adjoining bathroom. En suite, I believe it's called. Hahaha For their sleeping perch, I covered a tension shower rod with a layer of textured foam shelf liner (for safe gripping) and put the shower rod parallel to the one above it, but it's only a couple of feet from the bottom of the shower. I put paper towels under the bar for easy clean-up. They have a night light, too. [/COLOR]:p [COLOR=8B4513]And Yes, Leahs Mom, Bantam Cochins (and probably LF Cochins) are wonderful for people who like to interact with their chickens. Like my previous precious Screech, these frizzles are loving, love to be held, interested in people, full of personality, and are adorable! (I'm sure that the lineage from ellymayRans helps, too). And like Screech, they're smaller than my Silkie and than my Bantam Orp Bonbon was, but I remember that Screech laid nice snack sized eggs. She didn't go broody, but unfortunately I didn't have her long enough.[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]No matter the weather, I take the chicks outside across the street each day while quarantined...[/COLOR]
Xoxo Julie, it warms my heart
that they are so fortunate to have you as a foster Mum! I do hate when they get wet though, surprisingly they are very resilient to the weather but not near as pretty doing it! I hope to always have Cochins and Silkies, I'm not a fan of bantam but they sure do earn their keep in eggs and personality!!!!
Here's a better pic of the ducklings now that I've moved the shells. I hated to disturb them all sound asleep. So precious! The 1 is all yellow with 2 smudges of brown on its head, 1 chocolate barred but seems like Drake as it's quite a bit bigger than the others. Then 2 wild type, 1 Pied and 1 solid chocolate.

I believe they are all chocolates. Time will tell for the wild types. All just turned out beautiful!

Oh my gosh, when I saw these photos, I just wanted to scoop them up! They are so adorable!
@Indyshent ~ Sorry about your little preemie poult, but glad to hear your other two are doing well!
@jchny2000 ~ How's the kitchen floor project going? You needed a few more projects! lol
Originally Posted by MikeTodd

Can anyone confirm if the egg on the left is a bantam egg? We have been getting between 8-9 eggs a day and there is always one this size. I am thinking that it is either out blue cochin or black cochin.

@MikeTodd It's kind of hard to tell. When I had a Bantam Cochin layer, her eggs were small compared to my bantam Silkie's eggs. My Bantam Orps eggs were large for a bantam.
@Lengerich Farms ~ Yes, it would be nice if roosters only crowed a few times in the morning like the story books taught us! Haha
Quote: Definitely not a rose comb. Too small and round for that, a rose comb usually is larger and longer. Agree that it looks like a big pea comb. As far as the crowing, good luck. They do tend to be quieter if you can get them in the darkest space possible (lots of light pollution up where you live, it never gets very dark.) Mine do seem to take a break around dark until around 4am-ish, then it is game on with the crowing.
Had a pretty successful processing day. We now have 21 fewer boys around bothering the girls. Also, with the ducks the experiment with the duck wax to do the drakes was a big success! It doesn't remove every pinfeather, but it does get the majority. Not too bad to clean up after that. With the roosters, i'm always amazed at the differences between them once the feathers come off. The cornish were huge compared to everyone else. I also marked the two Dorking boys that we did, as I've heard good things about how they taste and want to compare them to the others.
@MikeTodd Do you have any new girls who might be coming into lay? I've got some young turkeys who are giving me "bantam eggs"
This just came from a friend on Facebook. Can anyone help?

Indianapolis, IN
Contact: [email protected]
We've got your fourth day of Christmas covered. Here are four calling birds that need rescue!
:) These four roosters are all hoping for a freedom ride. Our local rescues are full, so please share and let's find them a nice spot in rescue!
 Do you have any new girls who might be coming into lay? I've got some young turkeys who are giving me "bantam eggs" :gig

We have a lot of new girls coming into lay. We only had 4 older hens that were the first layers but now we are getting 9 a day so some of joined in. We have 6 bantams (2 cochin, 1 silkie, 1 rosecomb and 2 OEGBs) that are the same age as the newest layers.

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