ISO leghorn roo to put with my clb ladies to breed super blue eggers / sapphires! (Lost my roo so I'm taking a diff route)

I thought it would be no prob to find a roo. I thought wrong..

I'm located in northeast Indiana. Close to mi and Ohio too:)

Someone had one on the facebook page a while back. Handsome fella. Not sure if he's gone or not.
Just a heads up, the Big R in Warsaw has it's chick cages up, and I'd guess they'll get their first shipment today, but don't know for sure.

Also of note, they've put a lot more time and effort into ducks from the looks of it. They've got twice the area for duckings, and better signage. They never seemed to last last year, so I'm wondering if they are stepping up for this spring.

Looks like they will have runners, khakis, pekins, and rouens.

Chick signage included EE, BO, BR, RIR, LB, SLW, GLW, CX, RSL.
We've used the feather fixer feed (generally in late fall, but i suppose it could be used anytime).
The chickens seemed to like it just fine - I can't evaluate if works any better than "normal" feed tho.
During "non-molting season", we use Kalmbach layer pellets.
I'd suppose if your birds are used to crumbles, the pellet of the F.F. might be more of an adjustment than the "recipe" difference.
Hi guys. Wanted to welcome new folks posting to our thread!
I am reading as I can. I am finding less time to even get on the computer right now. Dads recovering, but both have so much medical care right now I just have no free time. This week alone, starting last Friday have had 11 medical events for my parents, and its only Tuesday!

I am probably going to downsize even more. that said, I will have some production RIR, trio of white leghorn, a few EE, pair of Dark Cornish and a trio of OEG standards available for sale, cheap. I want them to have more attention than I can offer. Send a pm if interested. My chickens do free range so I cannot guarantee perfect health. Highly recommend quarantine. I can try to get pictures but with this schedule it probably won't be until the weekend. 99% of my birds are socialized and hand raised. I do not keep aggressive birds.

Thank you for so many kind notes via messages.
Free to good coup,,,,,Two Roos one year old approx.

One is a Sumatra roo we called "Rockstar" as he is a good looking boy and seemingly good provider for the hens when free ranging

The other is a Choc, Barred Orp. beautiful bird as well

PM me with any interest


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