I was just posting of what I felt and how it worked for me. It helps when I add new ducks to my flock. Weather it does or doesn't cover cents, its was meant to be "as if it does". In my perspective I just like to think it does. When I try to add new ducks without it, they pull on each others feathers and cause bleeding. But when I put VetRx on everyone and the new ones, they get along fine and no fighting. I was simply stating how well it works for me.
Short of respiratory and sinus issues, it won't help with that much. Birds don't sniff each other out, so it's not going to "cover up scents" for flock integration though rubbing menthol products all over everyone's faces might just give them something else to be thinking about. Put Icy Hot on your face and see if you still feel like fighting. Their beaks are very sensitive, so it might even burn.

Birds have very good senses of sight and hearing but can't smell or taste well. Menthol doesn't strictly act on taste and smell though, which us why it can still affect birds by clearing sinuses just like it does with us. With mammals (and presumably birds as menthol products appear to have the same effects) menthol actually triggers cold receptors, just like capsaicin trips heat sensors (and both trip pain sensors). Thus, the bird doesn't need to smell or taste anything with menthol because it's whole body (just like ours) is sensitive to cold. Given Muscovy are particularly sensitive to cold (being tropical non-migratory birds) they might even be extra sensitive to method compared to mallard derived breeds which are far more cold tolerant
Garden picture - I'm a lame gardener. Lol.
Pendleton schools are exceptional and why we chose to buy the house we did. We have all the convenience of being near a town (Anderson) and live just far enough out of the city that our kids will go to to South Madison. MadCo also has great chicken laws.

I've been trying to convince my grandparents to move down here so that they don't have to keep fighting their neighbors on having chickens. Get this, in St Joseph County, you used to have to have at least five acres of land in order to keep chickens, but if you live within city limits you can keep six. (Their demonic neighbor called zoning, hence why I'm babysitting four pullets) So they just passed an ordinance that in county you can keep chickens, but you can only have 4 hens per half acre, no roosters, and you have to apply for a permit yearly that cost $20. This permit has to go through the zoning board, then through the humane society, AND then animal control officer has to come out and inspect your set up, and your coop has to be under a certain size or you have to get a building permit. But you can keep 6 chickens on a city lot... MadCo Anderson city limits, if they're considered pets you can keep them, MadCo county limits, R1-R3, you can have 2 animal units per acre of land and a chicken counts as .1 unit. No permits, no neighborhood approval, no bs. So on my half acre lot I can have 10 chickens. I only have 5, but I can have 10. /rant

Jeez! That is crazy! I live down here in Clark county and out if city limits. I have 14 girls and no one butting in on my business except family:D I can't believe how convoluted the zoning laws can be.
Hi, my wife and I are new again to raising chickens. We had some chickens 18 years ago when our son was in 4h. Being retired now and living out in the country we thought that it was time again to raise a few and have some fresh eggs. We live in South Lake county, a stones throw from Porter county. I've been looking and reading articles and threads on BYC. So far no major issues. The girls are 3 weeks old today. Chris and Pat
We had a first today. Our "Ribeye" Jersey steer has went to freezer camp. Very hard day. I am thankful for my DH having good aim, and a very quick "bad day" for Ribeye. We do not ever send any of our animals away to be processed. (PM me as to why) It was like 2 seconds and over. :hitMoose, our bull is missing him. Its not easy but its what we want for our family. Ribeye had mostly hay throughout his life, fresh forage. Lots of hugs, cuddles and love. I am thankful to him providing to our family.
That's a difficult day.
Pendleton schools are exceptional and why we chose to buy the house we did. We have all the convenience of being near a town (Anderson) and live just far enough out of the city that our kids will go to to South Madison. MadCo also has great chicken laws.

I've been trying to convince my grandparents to move down here so that they don't have to keep fighting their neighbors on having chickens. Get this, in St Joseph County, you used to have to have at least five acres of land in order to keep chickens, but if you live within city limits you can keep six. (Their demonic neighbor called zoning, hence why I'm babysitting four pullets) So they just passed an ordinance that in county you can keep chickens, but you can only have 4 hens per half acre, no roosters, and you have to apply for a permit yearly that cost $20. This permit has to go through the zoning board, then through the humane society, AND then animal control officer has to come out and inspect your set up, and your coop has to be under a certain size or you have to get a building permit. But you can keep 6 chickens on a city lot... MadCo Anderson city limits, if they're considered pets you can keep them, MadCo county limits, R1-R3, you can have 2 animal units per acre of land and a chicken counts as .1 unit. No permits, no neighborhood approval, no bs. So on my half acre lot I can have 10 chickens. I only have 5, but I can have 10. /rant
That is insanity.
Pendleton schools are exceptional and why we chose to buy the house we did. We have all the convenience of being near a town (Anderson) and live just far enough out of the city that our kids will go to to South Madison. MadCo also has great chicken laws.

I've been trying to convince my grandparents to move down here so that they don't have to keep fighting their neighbors on having chickens. Get this, in St Joseph County, you used to have to have at least five acres of land in order to keep chickens, but if you live within city limits you can keep six. (Their demonic neighbor called zoning, hence why I'm babysitting four pullets) So they just passed an ordinance that in county you can keep chickens, but you can only have 4 hens per half acre, no roosters, and you have to apply for a permit yearly that cost $20. This permit has to go through the zoning board, then through the humane society, AND then animal control officer has to come out and inspect your set up, and your coop has to be under a certain size or you have to get a building permit. But you can keep 6 chickens on a city lot... MadCo Anderson city limits, if they're considered pets you can keep them, MadCo county limits, R1-R3, you can have 2 animal units per acre of land and a chicken counts as .1 unit. No permits, no neighborhood approval, no bs. So on my half acre lot I can have 10 chickens. I only have 5, but I can have 10. /rant

Those ordinances sounds as crazy as it is here!

City of Chicago (tiny houses with little or zero grass) = no restrictions on # of chickens & roosters OK. A few people even raise goats on less than 1/4 acre!

Many suburbs = chickens are illegal

Unincorporated Naperville/ will county = 1 hen per 1/2 acre, no roos, no meatbirds, no waterfowl, & must register.

City of Naperville = backyard hens are fine, no roos, & no min of land requirement. (I don't think they have a limit yet, but they are trying to make one.)

Downers Grove - limit of 4 hens/no roos, must buy 3 yr permit, submit it with signatures of consent from every neighbor whose property borders your property, and be willing to have city inspections with appointment.

Westmont - limit of 6 hens/ no roos, must buy a building permit ($75 for the coop & $75 for the run), annual flock permit is free but you must agree to have city inspections at any time w/o appointment, if neighbors complain 3 or more times, then permit is permanently revoked.

There happens to be a 4-H loophole in DuPage County that permits any child in 4-H, who's registered in poultry, to keep chickens. Between that & having awesome, supportive neighbors, we have chickens. It also covers all poultry, rabbits & goats, but we don't push it - just in case. Under the old town's rules from 5 yrs ago when we started, our coop was up to code. Very few people in town had enough property to own chickens & roos were OK then - but there was a noise ordinance. 2 years ago the city changed the rules. Now people even with tiny lots can own up to 6 hens if they agree to the inspections & pay the $.

I'm kind of in a bind because we were legal under the old code- but not now. Are we grandfathered? Does the county 4H rule protect us since there's now a conflicting new ordinance? The city knows we own chickens, but I certainly haven't invited inspectors to walk around my property, so I haven't tried to get a permit. We supply 5 local schools & 2 park districts with local fertile eggs. The city & our school district actually pays me for fertile eggs. I teach multiple school programs that wouldn't exist without my flock. I was thinking of trying to get a permit & asking for an education exemption (because of 4H & all my work teaching the science classes), but I decided to simply let things be, keep my roos quiet, and neighbors happy with eggs. LOL
Hear that, seems I never sleep much. Too much to do! Congrats on the hogs! Did you get any sows? We have become quite familiar with electric fence. Sooo cheap compared to traditional fencing! I train any new animals in the fenced main pasture. once they learn the wire we move them with the herds. Most livestock lunge forward so they need a visual barrier to train them to wire. A strong charger, T-posts, insulators and tight wire is all you need. Holler if you need input or help.

We got 4 barrows. Going to see how we like them before we commit to breeding stock. I'm installing the electric fencing this weekend, I'll let you know if I need any advice or troubleshooting.

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