Thank you!
Wow! What a set up

I would say Rooster. The other one is hen.
The First Ladies are loving their higher roosting bar. I'm afraid I have a Ronnie instead of a Nancy. Can anyone tell if the buff with the red comb is a male or female? I just noticed today how differently the two buffs are maturing. All of the First Ladies hatched around the third week of march.:fl :oops:
Happy Father's Day!

Here are the 1st chicks of today's (Sat's) hatch. I think they're running a little late, but I expect more to come on Sunday. 5 chicks are out and 8 eggs remain. (3 of the eggs developed pips in the last hour.)

We have:
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a gold laced orp (1st to hatch) I love its chubby face
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2 silver laced orpsView attachment 1046079

Another gold laced orp watching its Blue Buff Colombian Orp sibling hatch.View attachment 1046080

Another pic of the Blue Buff Col.
View attachment 1046081
I slipped 5 eggs from my flock under my hens to keep them broody. At 8:30pm, none of those have hatched yet.
Awwww cute. Congrats
That first buff sure looks like a boy to me.

Nice curtains! My small hen shed is right in the sun. We haven't used it for the last couple of years except to house a couple of boys that needed a place until removed but it gets really hot in the summer even with all the doors and windows open. I think we may end up moving it to a different area where it can be under shade.

I was absolutely sick when I saw the tree. My poor girls. If my house was able to be moved i definitely would! I'm fortunate to work for a garden nursery in Utica and hopefully I can work a few deals in trees this fall.

I never even considered having a roo. Any tips?

It's funny because just last week someone tried to get me to take theirs. I guess once people know that you have chickens, they try to pass on all their unwanteds. Same thing with all animals I guess. That's how I've ended up with so many dogs and cats over the years. Once a sucker always a sucker!
A few emerging blooms from my most recent rose bush addition (against my better judgement ha!). Earth angel. Of course the Japanese beetles are enjoying the foliage and blooms. Hand picked three beetles yesterday and fed them to one of my girls. :yesss:


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Love, love, love your set up. I wish I had this much space!

Thanks! I am so fortunate to tend such a gorgeous piece of property. I only rent but it's kind of on a forever (or as long as I want basis). I have an amazing family who helped build the original run/coop. My husband was a big pusher to help me realize my chicken dream. He passed away last month and my family has worked tirelessly to give me peace of mind by extending the run so I could comfortably add the First Ladies once they were big enough. I'm so lucky to have family as invested as I am. The free eggs help too :)
The First Ladies are loving their higher roosting bar. I'm afraid I have a Ronnie instead of a Nancy. Can anyone tell if the buff with the red comb is a male or female? I just noticed today how differently the two buffs are maturing. All of the First Ladies hatched around the third week of march.:fl :oops:

Hatched around the third week of March, meaning they're approximately 18 weeks old? I'm going to go against the popular vote and say that looks like a pullet approaching maturity. A good side shot clearly showing the saddle area would help to confirm, though.

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