They are supposed to be "English Orpingtons", mixed Cochin, Barnvelders, Wesummers, Black Jersey Giants, Buff and Dark Brahma, "French Copper Marans ", Lavender Orpingtons, Brown Leghorns. Here's a couple not very good pictures if someone would like to help me figure out which ones are which
I'd call and ask. Just say you're looking for a vet in your area just in case one of your birds got sick.

I'll have to do that. Right now we don't have chickens, let alone a coop. I've been reading so much on here so at least someone in the house can be prepared haha. My cousin is going to build ours, I'm just not sure when
My silkie hen is broodie again. :) That's the third time this summer. :-o. She's such a tough little bird and not the most pleasant silkie you've ever seen ;). I had a silkie who went broodie all the time that was a sweetheart, but my current silkie thinks it's her duty to take off my finger when I inspect her eggs. :)

So, this time around I marked the eggs with permanent marker, placing the date on them. I know it's not uncommon, but she's constantly trying to round up all the eggs that are laid under her and in doing so, she will kick out some of her original clutch. I know the mommas can sense (right or wrong) if they're not developing, but this is day three, so I think she's more so trying to bite off more than she can chew. I almost wonder if I should just move her into a separate enclosure during this time. I hate doing that, because it creates extra work for me. But last time, she kicked out a couple eggs that were half developed and then she kicked out one fully developed the night before hatch day.
Just Fyi to anyone looking for processing in the northwest. Sims in kingsbury does not process live poultry. Great Lakes Poultry does but not in batches less than 50. I ended up getting refered to what I believe to be a "good ol boy" in North Judson. He packages everything in freezer bags for you but he only works during the week. 3.50 per hen and 5 per roo. I'm probably going to be making an appointment to drop my roos off. I'll ask him if its ok to share his info here
Huh, so get this. Like most backyard chicken farmers, I put my eggs on the counter when I bring them in and always have. The past week or so, I've had what looks to be some developed cells when I cook my eggs in the morning. The only explanation I can think of is that my kitchen, which gets into the mid 70s during the day, combined with humidity of my plant-heavy house, is causing the eggs to develop ever so slightly. Can anyone confirm this? It's nothing substantial and isn't in all of them, but there's a strand or two of dark cells. To be clear, I still eat the eggs and they taste fine. Thoughts?
I posted in the rehoming thread but I thought Id do so here as well. I have 8 cockrels that I need gone. ASAP. 7 barred rocks 1 black and white sexlink. Must take all 8. PM me if interested.
my broodie Silkie left her pile of eggs that she’d been sitting on to nest on a different pile of eggs today. 😑 I found her sitting on them and moved her back over. She’s not the best broodie I’ve ever had. A bit of a cranky bird brain. We’ll see if she was off them for long enough to do damage. Going to candle them tonight to thin out the non-developers.

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