Xansie was broody and sitting on a rock for a couple weeks, so I gave her some incubator chicks as they hatched on Friday. Friday night I added the week old chicks that hatched on Sept 8th, and she didn't seem to mind. After dark, I slipped in the 3 wk old (Aug 27th) chick. I didn't want it to be lonely, right? By Sat morning, I added the 9.5 wk old serama chick. I don't really have a place for it, her serama mama already abandoned her, and I haven't sold her yet. I doubt Xansie will notice.

Here's my very happy hen, Xansie, and her chick hoard. She loves being a mama. Today they got to go outside for the 1st time. You'll notice the little 3 day old seramas zooming about and one in back trying to use the big chicken nipple. The chicks are Orpingtons and Seramas. Mama hen is a very special Silkie.

Wow you have a nice set up with the water and food. Love baby chicks, they are adorable. Xansie is doing a great job.
I would put water and food under the porch, remove the chicken wire and secure with strong fence
update on my broody chicken Luna. I did wire and secure with strong fence all around the bottom of the deck. Unfortunately something dig under and got Luna. 😭 I was just about to get her and put her in the coop this past weekend thinking that the eggs she was sitting were not fertile but I was too late. Lesson learned 😟
update on my broody chicken Luna. I did wire and secure with strong fence all around the bottom of the deck. Unfortunately something dig under and got Luna. 😭 I was just about to get her and put her in the coop this past weekend thinking that the eggs she was sitting were not fertile but I was too late. Lesson learned 😟
I am so sorry for your losses :hugs
update on my broody chicken Luna. I did wire and secure with strong fence all around the bottom of the deck. Unfortunately something dig under and got Luna. 😭 I was just about to get her and put her in the coop this past weekend thinking that the eggs she was sitting were not fertile but I was too late. Lesson learned 😟
:hugs So sorry for your loss.
Wow you have a nice set up with the water and food. Love baby chicks, they are adorable. Xansie is doing a great job.
It's just a play yard with a piece of roofing set on top. We put it out in the grass for day time. Keeps them safe from hawks and contains the multitude of chicks for mama. It's not safe enough for night time predators, so we move them into a storage tub brooder in garage at night (and when T-storms are present). I don't like having to clean out the brooder daily, so moving them each day to new grass saves a lot of work.
Loving my Modern Game Bantams. They're sweet and slightly needy. (They're afraid to walk all the way to the coop from the tractor. Each night they begin the journey with the other bantams, but get scared and turn around and run back to me. They then get picked up & carried the rest of the way. LOL)

I need to come up with some good names for them. The black is calmer and likes to be held. The blue is loud and vocal, but also likes to be held.

Since we're likely keeping both, we could collectively nickname them
"the Gams" for Game - the E; plural
Maybe "Sticks" ? (or Styx for the black one)
Both hatched on July 4th

Any name ideas?

I got a little carried away with the photos.

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My Barred Rock roo has always had this gurgling breathing. I ordered Tylan 50 injectable and have it here, but he’s the only one that gurgles (it’s been going on since he was mature). He also doesn’t have any other symptoms such as runny nose or goopy eyes. Should I go ahead and treat, look for additional symptoms, or leave him be?
Loving my Modern Game Bantams. They're sweet and slightly needy. (They're afraid to walk all the way to the coop from the tractor. Each night they begin the journey with the other bantams, but get scared and turn around and run back to me. They then get picked up & carried the rest of the way. LOL)

I need to come up with some good names for them. The black is calmer and likes to be held. The blue is loud and vocal, but also likes to be held.

Since we're likely keeping both, we could collectively nickname them
"the Gams" for Game - the E; plural
Maybe "Sticks" ? (or Styx for the black one)
Both hatched on July 4th

Any name ideas?

I got a little carried away with the photos.

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I love the gamebirds I've never had one before but I've always admired their pics. The only name I can think of is Legs of course because they have those long legs.
Loving my Modern Game Bantams. They're sweet and slightly needy. (They're afraid to walk all the way to the coop from the tractor. Each night they begin the journey with the other bantams, but get scared and turn around and run back to me. They then get picked up & carried the rest of the way. LOL)

I need to come up with some good names for them. The black is calmer and likes to be held. The blue is loud and vocal, but also likes to be held.

Since we're likely keeping both, we could collectively nickname them
"the Gams" for Game - the E; plural
Maybe "Sticks" ? (or Styx for the black one)
Both hatched on July 4th

Any name ideas?

I got a little carried away with the photos.

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I had a pair a few years back and they were ADORABLE!
Very sweet and good Moms. Think @wheezy50 got them from me but can't remember for sure.

My Barred Rock roo has always had this gurgling breathing. I ordered Tylan 50 injectable and have it here, but he’s the only one that gurgles (it’s been going on since he was mature). He also doesn’t have any other symptoms such as runny nose or goopy eyes. Should I go ahead and treat, look for additional symptoms, or leave him be?
It sounds respiratory for sure. I would treat, if it helps, great. If not you know you've done what you can.
Hey everyone! :frow Camping is winding down, other life events settled down for us, and will be back on here as a regular very soon!
I try to mention every early spring, and fall is a very good time to check your coop security. Fix a loose board or piece of fence, that type thing. In fall the wildlife are working on loading up on food for the winter, especially species that hibernate. Youngsters are cut loose from the parents by now and get bold! I've come out at dusk last few days and seen young raccoon and possum around my coops.
I might host a processing workshop for poultry and waterfowl early November, weather permitting. I've not offered any this year due to Covid, but With face masks and being outdoors it will work for a small group. I do not charge for this, so if you'd like to learn I'd be glad to share. Its also time for my fall Rooster/Drake roundup, time to clean up and downsize my chicken and duck flocks. I will have roosters and drakes if you need a bird, I do ask a donation for them. You can also BYOB of course free.. (Bring your own bird!)

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