Indiana Chicken People (list)

I live in Saint Joe, Indiana.
drdoolittle and afishel have been added to the list.

Indiana members et al., if you haven't listed your CITY/TOWN, STATE under your NAME yet, please go to (click) Profile (on the dark-blue line above) and then to the list on the left hand side titled Profile Menu. Going there and choosing the second item on the list, PERSONAL, you can type in the name of the city or town, Indiana where you live.
Carol, I've been meaning to tell you Pam's reaction when she got all the alpaca wool that I got from you; she just about flipped out when Anne gave her the box at a luncheon.
First she hand made a card with an alpaca drawn on it with alpaca wool. The card said, "Dear Joe - Spinning alpaca is a spinners' dream! Thanks! Here's to dreaming. XXX Pam
Later she called and said that when she has finished spinning it, she's going to weave me some scarves... even though I tried to talk her out of it. She was really excited about the solid black black especially. So I'm going to end up with white, brown, and black scarves for the winter thanks to you.

Hi Joe, thanks for the updates. I wanted to have something made from it too. Maybe she has an EXTRA scarf?? Let me know!
Carol, I've been meaning to tell you Pam's reaction when she got all the alpaca wool that I got from you; she just about flipped out when Anne gave her the box at a luncheon.
First she hand made a card with an alpaca drawn on it with alpaca wool. The card said, "Dear Joe - Spinning alpaca is a spinners' dream! Thanks! Here's to dreaming. XXX Pam
Later she called and said that when she has finished spinning it, she's going to weave me some scarves... even though I tried to talk her out of it. She was really excited about the solid black black especially. So I'm going to end up with white, brown, and black scarves for the winter thanks to you.

Hi Joe, thanks for the updates. I wanted to have something made from it too. Maybe she has an EXTRA scarf?? Let me know!

I'll sent you one. The last thing that I need is another scarf.

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