Indiana & Surrounding BYC Meetup August 1st, 2009

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Yep there was a will and they are still fighting like their nuts. It was a very plain and simple will, not alot of details.

so then you all will a bail me out of jail if I happen to end up there? hehhehehe

Anyone got a tazzer they would lend me?

I plan on being on the road by 9am.

Im hauling baby emus, marans eggs and chicks to deliver to people on my way thru, should be exciting with all of that and 2 dogs, plus the truck will be full of stuff to run thru the auction, Im sure people will think Im a hill billy.
I would make nice with the local gendarmes, especially if they have already dealt the three w's. They might lend you one of theirs.

When my mother passed and left everything to my one sister, I had to be the pitbull in the family and tell the rest of my brothers to back off and that our sister could take everything and burn it for all that it mattered. They got the message.

have a safe trip.
Hey guys! I haven't been on much for over a week. Big birthday blowout for Mom last weekend has left me completely worn out. lol
(Shultzy, I hope you're ready for this!!)

Sounds like this thing is going to be the chickenstock to be at this year! Woo Hoo!
I still am trying to get rid of one GLW 18 month old rooster. Been hitting Craigs List with him and not even a reply.....I got to get rid of him.

So I may be bringing him, too
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Talk about surprises. Today my egg count went from 3 a day to 8 eggs today. And then when I went to go check on the silkies, Liza Jane my blue splash was missing. Found her in the nest house with Lucy and sitting on a baby! So I will have some silkie babies for the swap it looks like, and some OEGB/Silkie ones too maybe.
Actually. . . . I used to have one . . . . LOL long story short, my sister had a psycho ex boyfriend, someone gave it to her and she later put it in my car for whatever reason . . . . I recently gave it back to her seeing as I had no use for it hehehe

If only I had known someone might be in need of it . . .
92caddy, i wont come bail ya out, i'll just go with ya!

surprises?!?!? ohhh. i loves surprises! tell us! whatcha get?

this is just going to be a blast. totally a blast!
I will admit to being among the worlds worst photographer.

But here is a picture of the little dog that one of the neighbors dropped off on me after she was found running loose, almost got hit by a car. Turns out the people that had her couldn't find her a new home, and somebody just let her out.


And her is Momma #1 with three of the babies out for an airing.

And these are some of my juveniles:
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