Infection with foaming eye and swelling


5 Years
Jan 8, 2019
Marion, TX
My Coop
My Coop
Welsummer roo around 9 months old. Noticed foaming eye earlier this week and began saline flush & triple antibiotic ointment. After reading other post on MG. Verified,
No labor breathing.
No coughing.
Only weird behavior is shaking his head like has water in his ear.

Began Tylan 200 .015 ml in morning & night. Tonight is night 2 (free range during the day so can't really catch him middle of the day)

Noticed the back of the month is infected. Right side of his face is fine. Also note, the big bulb above the eye has been lanced twice and matter expressed. Has been the same size for a month now.

Maintain Tylan 200 regiment for X days. Then what?
The mouth lesion looks like canker... the eye issue might be from a secondary infection? Canker is usually treated with Metronidazole but I'm not sure you can get it without a prescription. He also has enough going on that I'd want to get him to a vet to be sure he gets the most appropriate meds.
Began Tylan 200 .015 ml in morning & night. Tonight is night 2 (free range during the day so can't really catch him middle of the day)

Welsummer roo around 9 months old. Noticed foaming eye earlier this week and began saline flush & triple antibiotic ointment. After reading other post on MG. Verified,
No labor breathing.
No coughing.
Only weird behavior is shaking his head like has water in his ear.

Began Tylan 200 .015 ml in morning & night. Tonight is night 2 (free range during the day so can't really catch him middle of the day)

Noticed the back of the month is infected. Right side of his face is fine. Also note, the big bulb above the eye has been lanced twice and matter expressed. Has been the same size for a month now.
Is there a bad odor?

If there's a bad odor it may be Canker or you may be dealing with Infectious Coryza.

You're giving Tylan200.
How much does this rooster weigh?
Even at the minimum dose of 10mg/kg you're way underdosing him if you intend on treating with Tylan.

Tylan's dosage range is 10-40mg/kg given 3 times a day for 5 days.
Most treat respiratory symptoms at a rate of 25mg/kg, so for Tylan 200 that would equate to 0.056ml per pound of weight. A 5 pound bird would get a dose of 0.28ml, 3 times a day. Give it orally instead of by injection.

IF there's a bad odor, then it would be best to seek vet care and determine if you are dealing with Canker or Infectious Coryza. Treatment for those are different.
Metronidazole is most commonly used for Canker. Sulfa antibiotics are used to treat Coryza.
Tylan is mainly used to treat symptoms of Mycoplasma.

So bottom line it to get a better understanding of what's affecting your rooster so you can give the correct treatment so his chances of recovery are much better.
Dropped him off at the vet this morning. Obviously more to this than I am able deal with. Appreciate the help from others.

Just culled 4 roosters and down to two. Really don't want to lose another one due to something like this.
Dropped him off at the vet this morning. Obviously more to this than I am able deal with. Appreciate the help from others.

Just culled 4 roosters and down to two. Really don't want to lose another one due to something like this.
Glad you were able to seek vet care, please let us know what you find out.
Hopefully he will get the correct meds and recover quickly.
So he gave him an injection of exceed and said it will last 6 days. To continue on the Tylan 200 until end of week. If the eye hasn't cleared up, he has another mix for me.

As of this morning, swelling is down if not gone. No more foaming eye.
So he gave him an injection of exceed and said it will last 6 days. To continue on the Tylan 200 until end of week. If the eye hasn't cleared up, he has another mix for me.

As of this morning, swelling is down if not gone. No more foaming eye.
Glad he's doing better.

What is "exceed"? This is something I'm not familiar with.

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