infectious synovitis (MS) - do you think I diagnosed correctly?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 7, 2010
Boise, ID
Hello, I have a 6 month old Barred Rock and she suddenly went lame, then got better then lame again only a couple weeks later, this time worse. She can't stand up or walk although she can flap her wings from a seated position. She doesn't seem to have any control over her feet and legs. She looks either like a stroke victim or a very drunken sailor in human terms. ;-> I don't see any swollen joints, but she does seem to have fluid filled cysts on her breasts below the skin, which will deflate if I massage them. Her stool is normal, clear eyes, fine appetite, not gaining weight as fast as the others. Her flock mates (3 others) are fine. None have started laying. I started her on the antibiotic I got in the feed store yesterday and making sure she is drinking via an eye dropper. (per the info I got on the disease site from BYC) so hoping that will work. Today she is wheezing a bit. But, just in case I'm going down the wrong road thought I would put it out there. Any help or advise is appreciated!
It's really tough to confirm MS without blood work. MS is contagious and will typically run through a flock. Stroke would show these symptoms as well as nervous disorders and toxin ingestion.

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