injection injury


Aug 24, 2020
Injected antibiotics into young birds (chicks 4-5 weeks) with a larger needle than I usually use. I lost 2 almost instantly and one is now gasping and wheezing and running backwards.... the sound it is making is almost a gasping/squeaking wheeze? No crackling or rails and lungs sound clear.. no bubbling under skin but not eating or drinking. Help please
Why were you giving them injections and why didn't you have a proper sized needle?

Why are you questioning motives as opposed to offering help? Sufficient to say the injection was needed and the size of the needle was unavoidable at the time. As it was the last set of babies in a brooder room full of symptomatic chicks We worked with what we had available on a Sunday evening in a small town. The gauge was not much larger but was in fact larger than I like to use for bantams or younger chicks. Now do you have any advice or knowledge to share on the subject? Because I would certainly hate to think this entire reply was just to be nosy and act superior.
Why are you questioning motives as opposed to offering help? Sufficient to say the injection was needed and the size of the needle was unavoidable at the time. As it was the last set of babies in a brooder room full of symptomatic chicks We worked with what we had available on a Sunday evening in a small town. The gauge was not much larger but was in fact larger than I like to use for bantams or younger chicks. Now do you have any advice or knowledge to share on the subject? Because I would certainly hate to think this entire reply was just to be nosy and act superior.

Believe it or not, I was trying to get more information so people can offer advice. I had never heard of injections for birds besides for euthanizing.
Right.... In what way would either of the questions you asked help someone else offer advice??? Had you asked the gauge of the needle.. the type of antibiotics used.. or the dosage administered I could possibly believe that.... I am sure you realize that was not the case.. And if euthanasia (by antibiotic) were my intent would it not be redundant to post to a forum asking for advice or help for the one suffering? I have actually never heard of needle euthanasia in backyard poultry. My experience is unfortunately limited to the old school methods
Right.... In what way would either of the questions you asked help someone else offer advice??? Had you asked the gauge of the needle.. the type of antibiotics used.. or the dosage administered I could possibly believe that.... I am sure you realize that was not the case.. And if euthanasia (by antibiotic) were my intent would it not be redundant to post to a forum asking for advice or help for the one suffering? I have actually never heard of needle euthanasia in backyard poultry. My experience is unfortunately limited to the old school methods
I knew you didn't mean you were euthanizing them, otherwise I wouldn't bother to help. Like I said before, I had never heard of injecting antibiotics, only water and feed soluble ones.

But nevermind, maybe other people will see the post and have some idea to help
I certainly hope so! Although I am uncertain if they will be able to help without the reason for the injection or the reason behind the improper gauged needle! :rolleyes:

Thanks for your time.

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