Injured chick


9 Years
Mar 6, 2015
Batson, Texas
Hello. I have a four week old golden with a broken leg. I have isolated her from the flock. The leg seems to be broken at the first joint and splays outward. Should I try to immobilize the leg? I am attempting to give her water with a syringe and watching for droppings. I just discovered her injury this morning but it looks as though it might be a few days old. I ordered the chicks from a hatchery, so she has no other mom but me. Other than the injury she seems very healthy.
You haven't got anything to lose by trying to splint it, imo. Unless you can take her to a vet. Lots of people make slings for theirs, you might splint the leg and then fashion a sling for her so that she can eat and drink on her own. If she seems like she's suffering a lot though, can't eat and drink, and immobilizing doesn't relieve her pain, it might be kinder to euthanize her. You would know enough to make this decision in a couple of days. Are you sure it's broken and not dislocated, or a neuro disorder? Is there swelling, heat, pain, around the place where you think the break is? Any idea why it would be broken? You can also give a crushed up baby aspirin in a treat, two or three times a day, to help her with inflammation and pain.
Thank you so much for the advise. I have decided to sling the injured leg instead of splinting it for fear that I might further injure my chick (we've named her Gimp). I put a baby sock over her head to quiet her while my granddaughter helped me give the injury a good examination. It appears to be quite swollen in the joint from lower to upper leg quarter (what I would call a knee on a human), but not especially warm and she can move it around very well. She might have a hip injury. She is eating and drinking and pooping. I used vet wrap to secure the leg and wing to her body, leaving plenty of room for her to use the bathroom and made for sure it was just snug enough to stay in place. I gave her a baby aspirin and will keep close watch on her for the next few days. I truly do not want to lose this little girl, but I will not hesitate to end her suffering if necessary. For now she's holding her own. Thank you again for your welcome advise.
Hmm. Do you have a rooster? Could be that he injured her, if so. An injury can take up to six weeks to heal, or longer, and it sounds like you did the right thing. Don't be afraid to give her baby aspirin two or three times a day. I've found that Rooster Booster liquid vitamins, Liquid B & K, seems to help our injured or sick birds. And a little of that goes a long way. It's cherry flavored and they like it. Our feed mill sells it, and I think TSC does. You could try soaking her once in a while in warm epsom salts and water too. As long as you can dry her off well if she's going to be outside.. That helps a lot, and they seem to think it feels good. If you can keep her in a small pen where she can't move around too much, that helps too, of course.
Thank you very much. I have isolated her to a safe unclosed inside the coop where she can see the other chicks and be safe from further injury. She is hobbling around pretty well and eating and drinking normally. I have been giving her baby aspirin and keeping a close eye on her. Again, thank you very much.
And I have no adult roosters. I do have a male americona chick. But he is very sweet. One other chick is very aggressive and may have injured my chick.
Thank you very much. I have isolated her to a safe unclosed inside the coop where she can see the other chicks and be safe from further injury. She is hobbling around pretty well and eating and drinking normally. I have been giving her baby aspirin and keeping a close eye on her. Again, thank you very much.

That's good! Sounds like she'll be ok.

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