Injured Chicken Smell


Apr 25, 2023
One of my 2 hens was attacked by a dog on Friday (4/21/23). She had 2 semi-deep holes where teeth sank that we have been treating and she seems fine there, but her back end is in rough shape.

It is hard to explain what it looks like and I’m not able to get good photos, but it is like all around the vent area her skin got filet’d back. Many feathers came out, but many are still attached. In my mind, I’m thinking of it like getting highlights through a cap and you’re pulling the cap off the hair.. so like skin was pulled yet the shaft of the feathers are still attached.. if I’m making any sense at all.

So immediately after we found her injured, I checked to see what all damage was done. Found the 2 holes from the teeth (assuming) and treated those with silver, vetericyn, and plain neosporin. The bottom side I bathed her in epson salt, towel dried her, spraying her with vetericyn 2-3 times a day, and giving silver orally. I ended up trimming her bottom as she had messed ok herself and they were just hanging and it was getting nasty. I worried about infection. But now I’m still worried about infection.

She finally as of a few minutes ago is eating some crumble mash (wet crumble) with oregano and cayenne and drinking electrolyte water. After days of trying and her rejecting, she finally took a bit today. So proud!!! However, her smell still leaves me heart broken and concerned. I really don’t know what to do for her. I hate to think she’s miserable and I’m making her suffer but again I can’t imagine not trying everything I can!
Pictures would be really helpful, it's hard to advise based on a description.
What bad smell are you smelling? If it smells rotten, really bad, then there may be infection. I would flush every thing (especially the punctures, an oral syringe is useful for that) with a chlorhexidine solution (Hibiclens, available at walmart, pharmacies). If there is any necrotic tissue it may need to be debrided (where pictures could help). Cover all wounds with the plain neosporin to keep them covered in it all the time, reapply as needed, and if it's smelling bad I would personally start an oral antibiotic. You can get amoxicillin as a fish antibiotic without prescription, probably have to order it on line, called Aqua Mox. Dose is 57 mg per pound of body weight, twice a day for 5 to 7 days.

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