Injured leg


7 Years
Mar 15, 2012
Entiat, WA
Yesterday, a rock tumbled off a rock wall and hit our 5 week old chicken, Peach, in the leg. At first we thought it might be broken so we splinted it for the night. It didn't look like it was at the right angle. She won't walk on it at all and doesn't move the toes much.
Today after doing some research I wondered if it might be a slipped tendon. I took the splint off so we could take some pictures. I noticed a bruise higher up on her leg and wonder if the crooked look is maybe just because of the swelling. Any advice? Here's some photos:

In the picture below you can see the bruised upper leg just down from where my index finger is pointing.

If you've felt up along the leg and it doesn't seem broken then move it to see it can make normal motion. You should give her some aspirin. They can't take acetemetaphin or ibuprophin (tylonal or advil). Crush a part of one in small water dish. I'd not splint if all looks well excepting the massive swelling. Use gauze as a backing then sports tape. Breaths better, wont be stuck direct to leg and will provide a lot of support with some movement so she can sit normally. You may only need or can work down to gauze only as an ace bandage.

Good luck and keep up with the aspirin in water to relieve pain and lower swelling.
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Thank you so much for your prompt reply. I checked her leg again and nothing feels broken. She seems to have normal range of movement. She doesn't move her toes much at all and they barely curl around my finger when she's hanging on tightly with her other foot. I looked at all her toes, too to see if they were broken but it doesn't seem so. I gave her some asprin in her water and she's eating and drinking. I guess we wait and see...
I wanted to let you know Peach is recovering really well. She began putting a little weight on her leg and then she limped for a bit. Now, she will even run on it but it is thicker than the other leg, especially in the heel area.

this is the saddest thing ever . My baby chick is suffering really bad after having a hard landing . She is better than yesterday as she is hopping on one foot now , yesterday the hurt leg was clenched whit her body but today she is attempting to keep it down though not touching the floor , i tried warm water soaking technique , but yesterday there were no bruise today i got the shock of my life seeing this purple blue coloured area at her thigh area, where i live getting a vet to treat her is more like impossible i have been straining my eyes trying to get some help online. and i came across this page , i see people recommending baby aspirin i dont know where to get that and i cant get one without prescription so its more like impossible , i am keeping her warm and close to her mates as she starts freaking out when they are out of her sight . I really dont know what to do . I find myself really guilty of this as she entered the kitchen and the stove was on in all this i couldnt grab her well and she flew away from my hand landing hard on the ground . What am i supposed to do ? the thought of her dying has taken away my sleep i keep gazing at her all the time and i dont know what to do to help her. Please help me save my baby ! pleaseeeeeeee

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