Injured turkey neck


In the Brooder
Dec 27, 2021
One of my three month old turkeys fell off the roost last night I think she broke her neck. She's chirping and can stand assisted, but isn't moving parts of the neck or her wings. If i managed to brace it could she recover and live like a normal turkey? Or do I just need to take her out back?
Do you have any pictures of the turkey? If she is standing and walking, her spinal cord is intact. She might be suffering from wry neck (torticolis,) which can happen after a head or neck injury. Many people use human vitamin E 400 IU softgels plus a small amount of b complex daily given orally or in food for a couple of weeks to help. Make sure that she can get enough food and water, or you will need to do that for her several times a day. I would not brace the neck, since that could become tight and cut off air or circulation, but just give her supportive treatment. Make sure that she is not picked on, or separate her. Let us know how she gets along. Hopefully her wings and neck will improve.
What should I take a picture of? I geuss its not broke, she holding her head upright now. Still not standing by herself but she did try after being moved in the house but was to top heavy/limp and fell over. She looks a lot better than this morning.

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