Integration of New Chicks into Existing Flock - How It's Going


Jan 20, 2020
Southeastern PA
My Coop
My Coop
Hello Friends!

So, I am in the process of integrating my four teenage-ish chicks into a flock of 3 adult hens. We started the integration process 10 days ago and I thought I'd share what I did since many folks are posting about integrating chickens.
For reference: My coop is 4x6. My run is 10x10.
My hens are 1 Easter Egger, 1 Australorp, and 1 Buff Orpington. My chicks are: 3 Cinnamon Queens and 1 Easter Egger.
Phase 1: When I started, the four new chickens were 6 weeks old and the older three hens were roughly 4 months old. I first put the chicks into the run within a wire exercise pen/kennel thing. It took up about 1/3 of the run. They could all see each other, but not get to each other. One of the older hens would try to peck/chase the younger ones a little bit through the kennel, but nothing too major and every day it seemed she would do that a little less.
At night, I put them into a separate coop that used to house ducks. We did this routine for a full 7 days. Once it appeared that the older hens were a little less interested and the younger ones were a little less afraid, we moved to phase 2.
Phase 2: I put the 4 chicks into the run before the 3 hens were let out. I let them scope out the new digs. *I had added a lot of clutter to the run to provide them with ample escape options if they were chased and places to hide.* (several natural perches - branches, overturned flowerpot, yard table on its side, small pallet propped against run wall, lattice propped against run wall, small log, old wooden ladder, rubbermaid container on its side) I thought that all these changes would also distract the hens and keep them interested. When I let the hens out, they did go after a few of the chicks here and there but nothing major. No blood drawn and no aggressive charging. In fact, some of the chicks did some sneaky pecking of the older hens, which was surprising. *I sprinkled some scratch grains, fresh grass clippings, hay, and mealworms throughout the run to keep everyone occupied.* At the end of the day, the chicks were still going into their separate coop for the night.
Update: We are 3 days into phase 2 and I think it is going as good as can be expected. I've noticed that the bigger hens have relegated the little ones into a back corner and side of the run. They have access to food, water, grit, perches, and hiding spaces there so its okay. However, whenever the younger chicks venture too far away from that side, the older hens chase them back. No pecking and no mean behaviors, just chasing. Every day so far, it has seemed to be less eventful. Everyone seems pretty happy. I've gone down in the middle of the day to give everyone some fresh watermelon treats and tomatoes to keep everyone hydrated and busy.
Every day, I try to move the food, water, grit, and hidey places a little further out of the chick side by about an inch so that I'm slowly expanding their area. I don't think that the hens have really noticed, but the chicks have been very tentatively exploring a bit further each day. I still plan on locking them up in separate coops for at least another week if not more. I'm just nervous about them being in that smaller space all together all night long until I let them out. I don't know if any of this information will be helpful to anyone, but I thought I'd share as I had read many posts about ideas and suggestions for making this transition go more smoothly. I will post again to share any changes and how it is going after another week.
Hello Friends.
So I am on Day 4 of Phase 2 and today was the best day yet! There was much less chasing happening as I was observing and the chasing that is occurring seems halfhearted. The hens seem to be caring a bit less about the newbies. I'm still locking the young ones up in their own coop and will be doing that for the next few days. Will continue to update progress. *Today is Day #11 of total integration process.* On Day #14, I might try to lock them up together in one coop. The chicks will be 8 weeks old then, but I don't know. We'll see.
Update: Okay, friends. So we are at day 13 of Phase 2, which means I've been doing the whole "trying to introduce teenage chicks to older hen flock in a way that works" thing for nearly 3 weeks now. It honestly feels like it's been 2 months! However, I think it is working. I think they are slowly blending together into a more cohesive group a tiny bit at a time. Today, as I observed them, there was less chasing and definitely no pecking. In fact, the loudest squawks came from teenage chickens arguing amongst themselves without any involvement of the older hens. I'm still separating the teenage chicks at night and putting them in our other coop. I'm so afraid to put them in the coop together all night. I think I might try it next week. At that point, the teenagers will be 11 weeks old. They seem to be less afraid of the hens and show more bravery. I'm thinking about adding an additional roost in the coop to give everyone enough space. I'm also thinking of putting them all to bed together later in the evening, once everyone kind of heads into the coop on their own. I'll let you know how it's going again in a few days.
For anyone who is working on integrating chickens, my biggest takeaway from this at this point is: it.takes.time. You really can't rush this too much.
Final Update?!?!: Well, good news! I have fully integrated the teenage chicks with the hens. They are now also sleeping in the same coop at night with no issues. I started having them sleep together two days ago, which was Day 19 of Phase 2. That puts this whole process at a total of 28 days or nearly a month. I figured it would take at least a few weeks. Currently, the ages of the chickens are: 11 weeks for the teenagers and 20 weeks for the hens (5 months). They still stay together as two sub flocks, but they don't chase or peck (other than typical chasing and pecking). Now, we are just waiting for our adult hens to lay. I think it might be a bit delayed because of the stress of the integration. I also don't know if the teenagers have gone onto the roost at night with the hens or if they are still sleeping down on the bottom of the coop. I think over time, they will do that. I hope this information is helpful to anyone who might be integrating chickens.
Same! I have 5 hens a year old and would love to add some chicks next spring as well. Trying to picture it all! Good luck
I hope that some of the info I shared is helpful in some way. It was a process, but it is possible. So many times I hear horror stories about how difficult it is to integrate. I think it all depends on the chicken personalities, their ages, your set-up, and time. Good luck integrating the new chicks with your flock!

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