Intergating a baby silkie


6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
So we bought a five week old silkie a couple weeks ago and as the baby was picked on violently by the other chickens we separated her with the adult broody silkie, that has gone splendidly. That was two weeks ago. The baby is seven weeks old, and still small, which is what I expected.

Both silkies are kept in a smaller enclosed coop. The others free range and can walk up and around the smaller coop, without being able to peck or touch the silkies.

The adult is fine, she's the boss of the flock. I was wondering at what age would it be okay to let the young silkie free range: ten or twelve weeks? Or now at seven weeks? We have a reasonable yard for them to all free range and they'd have lots of space but I don't want to let them free range just yet if the baby is going to be hurt, or worse, killed, by the others.
If the broody has adopted the younger bird as hers, she should protect it from the rest. Else, a few more weeks would probably be best before release. A broody with a single chick can often protect them from day one.

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