Interior paint


6 Years
Sep 8, 2013
Waxahachie, tx
Does anyone have any ideas as to help make this easier for clean up? I plan on using sand on top of linoleum but should I paint the 2x4's and particle board with a sealant and washable paint? First coop and am not sure how much wiping down walls will need.
I suppose it ultimately depends on how much you are into cleaning.
The walls in my previous coops were painted or covered with hard washable materials, but I never washed them. My current coop has not been painted inside as past experience seems to say its not needed. But then I am not overcome with a need to clean every time I see a speck of dirt.

If you paint the walls, it will definitely be easier to clean than bare wood. You could also cover the walls with linoleum for even greater eases of cleaning. However, the floor (especially under the roosts) will be the thing that needs cleaning most often - though with sand on top it may not need much. Then possibly the wall near the roost(s).
I am not into cleaning but as a first timer I wasn't sure how much cleaning would be necessary and where. The least amount of hard cleaning the better ;).

Bath panels.....WOW easy clean up there! I am definitely going to check out cost of those!
I like the bath panels idea too. I have used some marine-grade flooring type stuff (similar to bath panels I suspect) in the past as well - 4x8' sheets and easy to install and super easy to clean. As for the amount of cleaning, the great thing about chicken poop is that gravity tends to make it fall in a more or less downward direction. So unless your roosts are real close to the wall, most of the mess should end up on the sand.
I painted the inside of my coop to reflect available light and brighten it up in there. I've never had to wash down the walls in my coop. I may take a broom and knock down some cobwebs and dust it a bit. But my chickens don't spray crap all over the place, so there is no need to cover the walls with some kind of water proof bath panels. Sounds like overkill to me. Paint works just fine.

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