Internally popped eggs


In the Brooder
Apr 9, 2019
so this is just a quick question. I am on my 2nd batch of ever hatching duck eggs. I have 19 mallard eggs in an incubator with an egg turner. My first batch of eggs went great. 95% hatch rate. But now 10 of my 19 eggs have internally pipped 5 days early.
Now I know, your technically supposed to stop turning the eggs 3 days before the hatch date but since they have internally pipped at 5 days(early), should I go ahead and take those eggs out of the turner and into my hatching incubator!?!?
3 days before the hatch date but since they have internally pipped at 5 days(early), should I go ahead and take those eggs out of the turner and into my hatching incubator!?!?
I would move them to your hatcher. I just had 9 eggs that were under broody hens internally pip on day 23, so I moved them to the hatcher to let them finish hatching.

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