International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP


Will you post pics of all the cockerels next time? Will you eat the losers?

Will you post pics of all the cockerels next time?  Will you eat the losers?  
Thanks!  How is the studying going?

Its going. I have studied off and on all day and my brain is so full it feels like it may explode. My next exam is Tuesday. Neuro is killing me. But December isnt too far away. I will survive. Thanks for asking. :)
I join the ranks of the busy. I start my Vet Tech training tomorrow. It will be 12 to 18 months of school.

On another note I will try to get updated pictures of my Wheaton and Marans Rooster this weekend.. They have been growing and have changed a lot in just a short time. I will throw in some of my hens as well.

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