International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Not much happening on the other threads so I thought I would post on here. I met a person today who has this cock. I think it is a Birchen Marans? I'm not sure about the lacing in the chest. Should this be solid black. Almost looks like laced wyndotte?? Thanks Tom Could be cukoo cross with birchen??
Hey Tom, Looks like this cock has a pea or rose comb. It could be the picture angle but definitely not a single blade comb. He doesn't look he has any Marans to me, probably a cross of 2 or 3 other breeds. He's a good looking boy nonetheless. Keith
I'm going to try and see this rooster in person next week or two. The guy who owns him works at the fly shop in town and we were talking chickens. He says his wife was gifted them and was told they were Marans. The hen layed a green egg I think easter egger is right. Thanks Tom
I'm going to try and see this rooster in person next week or two. The guy who owns him works at the fly shop in town and we were talking chickens. He says his wife was gifted them and was told they were Marans. The hen layed a green egg I think easter egger is right. Thanks Tom
Well that makes sense. To make an Olive Egger you need a dark brown egg layer (Marans). Perhaps he meant the bird was part Marans.
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Hello! And wow, what a guy.

this is a very nice BCM rooster .
great body type and nice copper color a lot of it .that is great .most of ours BCM rooster are lucking the rich copper color .

he only have 1 fault . a feather around his shank joint has a access feather forming a boll around them NOT strait thin feather . that is nothing compare to what he have .
he ll win any competition any where .

he is 90/92 point by the French Standard if he get ( he ll never have ) a chance to compete in France .

it is very hard this day to find a 90 plus point BCM rooster compete in France this days .

Bravo to you showing us this gorgeous specimen .

PS = he lose few point because the S shape comb ( a little but he ll lose some point there ) and few because the joint feathers not sleek .

I m talking high true standard here .in France no where else ( people added many other thing on the marans )

all the best .
impressed by your Canadian marans stock.

chooks man
Thank you.

Here are some more pictures. He is slouching from being handled. I worry his hackles and saddle feathers are too light.





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