International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Thank you.

Here are some more pictures. He is slouching from being handled. I worry his hackles and saddle feathers are too light.


I remember when we critiqued your cockerels for you. Which number was this one in that line up of cockerels?
Handsome #1


Then and Now Pics 16 Weeks on the left 23 weeks on the right


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I knew he was going to be a big boy .
I like his back , chest ,tail .neck and head .
the color is on the lighter end but with a great colored shoulders plus he goes well with a black hens or the less colored Bc ,like the ones with him in the photo.

great eyes . the comb is almost there .

problem is only the shank that all what I can see .

chooks man
I yesterday moved my marans little flock to their new coop. not only there was no stress but they loved it!. as it has been made in part of my vegetable garden they enjoyed foraging. the new coop is similar to the old one so they didn't mind moving. I put with them luna and a araucana/ameraucana mix who where in the girls pen before.
I yesterday moved my marans little flock to their new coop. not only there was no stress but they loved it!. as it has been made in part of my vegetable garden they enjoyed foraging. the new coop is similar to the old one so they didn't mind moving. I put with them luna and a araucana/ameraucana mix who where in the girls pen before.

I think they are going to love it .
every body like a house with a garden . class.

hope for you to get the eggs safe this time from Monique and fill up your new coop with more marans .

all the best my friend.

chooks man
Thanks for the praise everyone. I DESERVE IT!!! I bet you all want to know all of my secrets!!! I am going to tell you. Get a pen and some paper ready. This is the first installment. I will provide all the gory details of my breeding techniques over hundreds of posts. Please do not fall asleep, this is important!!!!!! Here is the high-level version, I will get into more detail later on: 10 years of selective breeding. Combing through 100s of potential candidates each year. Selecting the best to bring on the next generation. Using my extensive knowledge of the Standards Of Perfection. Applying that to my selection process. Using my extensive DNA knowledge to know which rooster and which hen will produce the best offspring. Raising the offspring with as much diligence as I can muster. Actually all of that is untrue. I received 14 day old chicks from someone I believed was a good breeder. That was it. I am a total newbee!!! I got lucky. Thanks for all of the praise again, but it is misplaced. The person I bought the chicks from deserves all of the praise. That said. I will try to improve upon what I have from learning from this thread and receiving comments from others. The true lesson here is to start with the best you can find. Pick the best breeder you can!!!!
Thanks for the praise everyone. I DESERVE IT!!! I bet you all want to know all of my secrets!!! I am going to tell you. Get a pen and some paper ready. This is the first installment. I will provide all the gory details of my breeding techniques over hundreds of posts. Please do not fall asleep, this is important!!!!!! Here is the high-level version, I will get into more detail later on: 10 years of selective breeding. Combing through 100s of potential candidates each year. Selecting the best to bring on the next generation. Using my extensive knowledge of the Standards Of Perfection. Applying that to my selection process. Using my extensive DNA knowledge to know which rooster and which hen will produce the best offspring. Raising the offspring with as much diligence as I can muster. Actually all of that is untrue. I received 14 day old chicks from someone I believed was a good breeder. That was it. I am a total newbee!!! I got lucky. Thanks for all of the praise again, but it is misplaced. The person I bought the chicks from deserves all of the praise. That said. I will try to improve upon what I have from learning from this thread and receiving comments from others. The true lesson here is to start with the best you can find. Pick the best breeder you can!!!!
Haaa! Sometimes it's better to be lucky. You have a nice start and I like where your head is at. You'll do well and the folks on this thread are willing to help. You'll do well with your birds. Keith

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