International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Here's one of the blue Birchen Marans my husband ordered for me. This one looks really good, and a pullet too! She is already showing some silver on her hackles, although it is light yet, at one month old!

she is gorgeous .nice green eyes ,they will be orange when adult .
nice feet well feathered and colored

love her blue ,well laced ,she ll look better when fully matured ..

love her body type .

keep us posted and thanks for sharing with us .

chooks man
this is a great advise, thank you.

at the moment I ordered 2 pullets of the greek hooded chickens that get broody. if/when I move to the bigger place I will definitely have a breeding program for the broodies.

now I have to figure out where to put the broodies with the chicks. I have 4-5 cats around my house and about 10 others pass by every day.

my friend I see you are having a problem with a little chicks .

too many cats ,bad news .

I wish you ll find a bigger and Animal friendly place for you and your animal .

All the best

chooks man
my friend I see you are having a problem with a little chicks .

too many cats ,bad news .

I wish you ll find a bigger and Animal friendly place for you and your animal .

All the best

chooks man

1 araucana chick hatched, 2 araucana chicks hatching, still have 2 araucana and 7 bcm eggs to hatch. my young orpington did it!

well, cats are not so bad news, this year I have no mice and no rat nests around the coops. I just have to make a safe place for broody and the chicks.

my second broody is almost next to the place where a cat brought her only survivor kitten. yesterday the broody was returning to the nest when the cat came to feed the kitten. they had such a big fight: broody was protecting the eggs and cat was protecting the kitten. you will not believe it but broody won! poor cat was cornered and I had to intervene.
1 araucana chick hatched, 2 araucana chicks hatching, still have 2 araucana and 7 bcm eggs to hatch. my young orpington did it!

well, cats are not so bad news, this year I have no mice and no rat nests around the coops. I just have to make a safe place for broody and the chicks.

my second broody is almost next to the place where a cat brought her only survivor kitten. yesterday the broody was returning to the nest when the cat came to feed the kitten. they had such a big fight: broody was protecting the eggs and cat was protecting the kitten. you will not believe it but broody won! poor cat was cornered and I had to intervene.

great to hear that ,more will hatch soon and you ll have your broody coop ( hope you decided where to put it) full of chicks .

I like that ,Chooks 1 , Cat 0.

Chooks man
here some up date of my little chooks .they are not not a little any more . healthy and happy .still are as one big group haven t have a time to separate them .they are not causing any problem except for a few cockerels that I all ready separated them from the rest

4 month old cockerels Birchen .Wheaten ,Split white

BC pullet and a split white cockerel. both are great type

BC pullet .long back and thin pointed tail .great type too them ,well pleased

BLC cockerel

same cockerel .

chooks man
They are all looking so great!@Chooks man

The chicken beating up the cat is hilarious

here some more Clack copper pullets

BC and a Bir pullets

BC and Bir pullets

BC pullet no much copper on her hackle but great type

BC pullets with extra copper on her chest

same pullet ,she is great type .loce her long flat back and small tail

chooks man
@Chooks man your birds are models! I like their mass.

I am having trouble with my chickens. some of them lost too much weight but they look healthy, behave normally and lay plenty of eggs. I treated them with antibiotics for a week, for canker 5 days, some of them I treated for cocci as well and I wormed them all. not sure if they had tapeworm again.

hatching news: 3 araucanas hatched, 1 assisted as he was shrink-wrapped - I didn't know it might happen with the broody. but it was too hot and dry and the other eggs were warm and dry so the membrane dried out. I think I got him the last moment. he is still weak but luckily it is night here and he will sleep under a warm mummy. it seems I have 2 boys and 1 girl so far. 2 araucana's eggs are hatching. I hope they will hatch by the morning. still no sign from the marans eggs but they are due tomorrow.
So...having some problems with Pinky Pie.

He's becoming more aggressive the older he gets. I don't know if that's because I have more roos on the property now or what, but it's ridiculous. He charges the sides of the pen anytime I walk by (enough that he's actually rubbing the feathers off his breast), and I have to pin him down and pick him up just to go inside. Today was the first time he used his beak on me and bit my cheek pretty good. It'll probably leave a scar.

I should cull him, right? I mean, I do have two younger cockerels by him and several decent pullets. Hopefully they haven't inherited his aggression.

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