International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Well darn! I have always been told not to breed blue to splash it washes out the blue and splash to black gives you a better blue. I love the blues also! I hope they approve splash but they may not. Since they don't breed true. I guess my thinking is all wrong!

Splash x splash will breed true. ;) I hope the APA admits them too. A black copper male over splash females works really well to get a nice blue color.
Hello again! It's been a few months since I have posted, so I thought I'd pop in with an update!
Handsome has shown a lot of flaws after his first molt, and I've decided not to use him for breeding at all.
Nobandy was unfortunately taken by a predator, but fortunately, I did get from him one lovely son.



A couple of my older girls:

A pair of pullets from Nobandy last year:

And my darkest laying pullet:

And her egg:

This season I am hoping to increase egg color in the progeny of some girls who lay nearer a to a 5, find out what kind of Copper Blues I can hatch from Snowbird, and increase the hackle color in my ladies. My girl that lays the darkest has the least color, so I'm really hoping to hatch a few better colored girls from her.
Hello again! It's been a few months since I have posted, so I thought I'd pop in with an update!
Handsome has shown a lot of flaws after his first molt, and I've decided not to use him for breeding at all.
Nobandy was unfortunately taken by a predator, but fortunately, I did get from him one lovely son.



A couple of my older girls:

A pair of pullets from Nobandy last year:

And my darkest laying pullet:

And her egg:

This season I am hoping to increase egg color in the progeny of some girls who lay nearer a to a 5, find out what kind of Copper Blues I can hatch from Snowbird, and increase the hackle color in my ladies. My girl that lays the darkest has the least color, so I'm really hoping to hatch a few better colored girls from her.

His son sure is handsome!! And your hens are beautiful with good egg color to boot! Well done!! :)
No No.... I was not passing judgement on you. I was just relating my experience. I lost 5 good pullets/cockerels in 5 minutes to a possum. I know what they can do. I just have a hard time killing anything..... even a spider.

I dont like killing anything either so my husband does the dirty work. I had to kill a bantam chick that was suffering the other day and it hurt my soul. :(
JK!!! Well, sounds like the hens do everything. So tell us what the Roosters do? :D :pop :love:lau

Ah what roosters do ?
they yield more chicks than the hens 10 time or more one roo can sire over 1500 chick a year.
they dictate the body pattern and color .
they pass down all the Sex Linked genes to they daughters .
they contribute to the body mass and type but not as much as mama hen ,
they fix the eyes color .
they contribute in over all type of the chicks ,Autossomal genes

in mammals the male is the carrier of the male Sex chromosome X ( male XY and Female YY) but in Birds the Hen is the one who carrier the male sex chromosome Z ( Female ZW and Male ZZ )

chooks man
His son sure is handsome!! And your hens are beautiful with good egg color to boot! Well done!! :)

Thank you! I am bit concerned that he will develop a thumbprint in his comb, as both his father and uncle had one after about 1 year old. I will try to cull according to combs as well, though it's lower on my list of priorities.

I wish all my girls laid this dark! I have 2 pullets who lay about the same. My Splash hen lays a 4-5 and 2 girls that lay about a 6, the rest are around 5. Wedo came out of an egg that was a dark 6, so I am hoping he's got some good genes for egg color to lend the ladies.
Thank you, Marans are definitely my favorite. So friendly, sturdy, large eggs and good eating. What is not to like about them? I absolutely love them. If my Lavender Ameraucana rooster ends up infertile. I will add the lavender hens in with my Marans for olive eggers. Then use the lavender pen for a breeding pen. Maybe a splash rooster over some Black Copper hens. If I get a nice Splash rooster.

In my short chicken career I have had Bielefelders, Ameraucanas, Cream Legbars, Araucanas and Marans. I like Marans because they are the quiet. When I just had one rooster it was so quiet. He only crowed a couple of times a day.

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