International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Find some treats that he really likes.. preferably some with a good aroma he can smell. If he won't come to you to get the treat you can leave a couple for him each time you go out to see him. He will learn to associate you with the treats and while he may not get completely comfortable with you enough to let you pet him, he will at least have a positive regard for you. Talk to him sweetly and eventually he may come around. Because of is parents' skittishness around people that is a learned behavior then. That coupled with his lack of socialization while he was young has made him very wary of people from the sound of it. They are working dogs and that is how a lot of folks prefer them. Their lack of bond to their master causes them to instead bond closely to the flock or herd they are guarding. As long as he gets used to you being around now, he shouldn't become aggressive. Just be patient and give him time. Even if he doesn't become your best buddy, he can still do his job.
Yea I y’all to him each time I go to the barn, morning and night. Try to get him to come to me with feed and he comes about 5 ft away and no closer. Like you said, if he makes a good guard dog and no companionship, I’m good with that.

I’ll try to get some pics of the pullets here shortly. Really like the big crazy combed cockerel. He’s got the best body, color and nicest made tail
Yea I y’all to him each time I go to the barn, morning and night. Try to get him to come to me with feed and he comes about 5 ft away and no closer. Like you said, if he makes a good guard dog and no companionship, I’m good with that.

I’ll try to get some pics of the pullets here shortly. Really like the big crazy combed cockerel. He’s got the best body, color and nicest made tail

That's not too bad then if he will come up to you that close. You can work with him and eventually gain his trust I bet. Dogs respond well to yummy food bribes and lots of positive feedback. If you can throw a treat and get him coming 3 feet from you.. then get him to work up to coming closer and closer. It may take a while, but be patient. Let him smell your hands at arms length. Then you can eventually try to pet him. Praise the heck out of him and treats, treats, treats. I bet you all can be friends. :)

Can't wait to see your pullets. :)

I believe this cockerel looks like your best bet. I like him best out of the 3. He may have a high tail as he matures but as long as he doesn't have a squirrel tail he can be worked with. I'm not sure I would chance spreading around those genes for inverted comb. This cockerel also has a nice clean chest, which is another good trait I like. You could mate him to your lowest tailed pullets to balance out his higher tail. I'm looking forward to seeing him as he matures. :)

cockerel byc.jpg
That's not too bad then if he will come up to you that close. You can work with him and eventually gain his trust I bet. Dogs respond well to yummy food bribes and lots of positive feedback. If you can throw a treat and get him coming 3 feet from you.. then get him to work up to coming closer and closer. It may take a while, but be patient. Let him smell your hands at arms length. Then you can eventually try to pet him. Praise the heck out of him and treats, treats, treats. I bet you all can be friends. :)

Can't wait to see your pullets. :)

I believe this cockerel looks like your best bet. I like him best out of the 3. He may have a high tail as he matures but as long as he doesn't have a squirrel tail he can be worked with. I'm not sure I would chance spreading around those genes for inverted comb. This cockerel also has a nice clean chest, which is another good trait I like. You could mate him to your lowest tailed pullets to balance out his higher tail. I'm looking forward to seeing him as he matures. :)

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Yea that cockerel kind of puts it all together. He’s a little slower to mature than the others. I’m going to tinker with this crazy comb cockerel. He has so many traits that are hard to get. Size, perfect color and best shaped tail (so far). They’re only 3 months old so a ways to go yet.
I have a question for everyone! Do you vaccinate and for what? I am wondering if I should be vaccinating for IB or influenza.

I don't vaccinate and never will. but I don't show my chickens. if you want to show yours you have to vaccinate them. each country has it's regulation about vaccinating animals.

what they don't say is that vaccinated birds are carriers of the disease. I found this information in a greek web site only. when I spoke about it with my vet he was surprised.

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