International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Well it's twisted and lopped but many Legbars have that problem because a nice full crest displaces the comb and pushes it forward. I had to trim both of my original cock birds last winter like gamecocks. lol It is impossible to breed a Legbar male with a nice full crest and a perfectly straight comb, either one or the other will suffer. My Legbar cockerels with straight combs have barely any crest. The one I have free ranging with my layers has a good crest but a badly twisted comb. I also have 4 white legbars.. 2 males and 2 females. Both males have twisted combs, one worse than the other. A slight twist doesn't bother me and won't count too badly against them in show.

I will tell you this, the judges didn't like the white streamers in my best cockerel's tail so that will have to be improved in my line. White streamers are a fault in Legbars and a DQ in many breeds/varieties so even though the judges wouldn't know a Legbar from a hole in the ground they knew the white streamers shouldn't be there. lol

Sorry to ramble. :D

Agree with you ,straight comb and Crest don t work well together .
Crested chooks should have a Pie comb or any type of small comb but not the straight for sure .

parasitic white are a sign of impurity of a color pattern in any chooks except the white variety .

chooks man
here how many varieties { color pattern} I can make out of one pair of chooks I have ,first they have a long growing to do .

Cockerel = Crying Wolves

and Black copper pullet = Matanushka

I can make =
1- Columbian
2- Birchen
3- Black copper
4- Wheaten
5-Silver wheaten
6- Black Tail Buff
7- Golden quail
8- Silver Quail

all those varieties are possible to be bred from Crying Wolves and Matanushka . nothing will be added to the mix .4 to 5 years of strict selective breeding and they will all breed true .
what make that possible is a presence of Dark Brown genes Db ,the Silver genes S and the Black copper pattern ER.

Chickengr f you want to breed any of those pattern you need to add a buff and a silver hens to your flock .

chooks man
here the list of chooks varieties we try to avoid crossing if if we are interested in creating new colors pattern ,
1} Black copper X Wheaten .nothing will come out of this crossing except troubles .
2} Wheaten X Buff . will mass out the under fluff in both varieties ,nothing good
3} Recessive white X any Red variety . produce white but never pure ,straw coloration will settle in for good .
4} Wheaten X Golden Salmon , messed up pattern
5] Black copper X Birchen . big problem to get a silver pure again .
6} Black copper X Golden Salmon.

only condition we can cross those varieties together is ,if one of them carries a pattern genes or Restrictor genes . like Barring , Co, Db , Mo . Lav etc
Example = Black copper X Blue Copper ,great result.
Wheaten X Silver Salmon

chooks man
all the 3 colors you have are strong type need some thing else for sure not only from the boys but from the girls too .

Black copper X Lavender will throw some Isabel chooks in the F2 generation .

what the colors of the hens you are going to work with?

if you want to have a great looking pattern ,you need to find a hen with a pattern genes .like cuckoo ,mottled ,or some thing exotic to build pattern around .

need some silver genes too ,other wise you ll stuck with a Golden patterned chooks .

to make it easy for you .you can add some buff or red like New Hampshire or Rhode IR.both have a Dark brown gene Db . that will help you as well .

my friend ,you can not make some thing simple and beautiful at the same time .

what color hens are your NN ?

chooks man

ok, I mate lavender roo and black copper hen and I get F1. I mate them to what to get isabel chicks?

I already have bc, black, blue, lavender and 1 partridge chickens. I am looking for NN and ameraucana hens, that's why I asked about colours. I have birchen (silver) Nn girls. I am not sure if I will use them as very few chicks would be naked neck.

I am not good at colours. I still mix white and silver.
here how many varieties { color pattern} I can make out of one pair of chooks I have ,first they have a long growing to do .

Cockerel = Crying Wolves
View attachment 1610841
and Black copper pullet = Matanushka
View attachment 1610842

I can make =
1- Columbian
2- Birchen
3- Black copper
4- Wheaten
5-Silver wheaten
6- Black Tail Buff
7- Golden quail
8- Silver Quail

all those varieties are possible to be bred from Crying Wolves and Matanushka . nothing will be added to the mix .4 to 5 years of strict selective breeding and they will all breed true .
what make that possible is a presence of Dark Brown genes Db ,the Silver genes S and the Black copper pattern ER.

Chickengr f you want to breed any of those pattern you need to add a buff and a silver hens to your flock .

chooks man

looking for buff and silver hens! I guess barred hens are silver.
here some photos of the cockerels .Red Pyle.
View attachment 1610664
Safron is missing the hackle coloration . need to be crossed to a well colored BC marans .lost him just after I penned him with my BC hens .

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Scorpion is missing the Lancets coloration .. no there yet .

Stunning Comb

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this body pattern when fully colored is stunning . opposite of Black copper .will be White copper .
long way to go .

there is other genes interfering with a color pattern in presence of Dominant white genes .no any study has been done yet ,talking about the marans breed .

chooks man

I like Scorpion!
I have been going back and forth on these two. The youngest is about 5 months and oldest about 7 months. That is just a best guess though. Not the best pictures. First 3 pictures are of the oldest Cockerel white leg band. Last 3 pictures is red leg band. They do not have names yet.

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I think they're both lovely!! Hard to say which is better. Lucky you!!

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