International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

first .she is gorgeous .great body type and good eyes color .

is she always has a mottled spot on her ,or just when she become more older?
she carries a Mottled gene { mo } for sure , but for the mottled pattern to appear she need to have both pair of mo genes . so her parent had 1 gene each .
I m also thinking she is more of black unicolor , Extended black not Birchen.

the white chicks can come out of any hen ,but the rooster has to have one gene too of the recessive white .

need a lot test mating to purify your line .

chooks man
Yes, she's always had some mottling but her recent molt has really brought out more mottling. Her parents were birchen, but my ladies sometimes end up darker than I like sometimes, I'm working on that. Even so, I still keep the black hens that have good confirmation. Her mother is a birchen with much less mottling, so I chalked it up to parasitic white. If mottling is a simple recessive, could there be any expression of it if one was a carrier on the hen?
Yes, she's always had some mottling but her recent molt has really brought out more mottling. Her parents were birchen, but my ladies sometimes end up darker than I like sometimes, I'm working on that. Even so, I still keep the black hens that have good confirmation. Her mother is a birchen with much less mottling, so I chalked it up to parasitic white. If mottling is a simple recessive, could there be any expression of it if one was a carrier on the hen?

that is not parasitic white for sure .if her mama had some mottling and you saying there is black pullet showing up .I think your line is a mixture of Extended Black E/E and Birchen type ER/ER .plus Mottled genes too .need some test mating and you can end up with a first black Mottled marans . E/E ,S/S ,Pti1/,Pti1. mo/mo etc,,,,,,,,,
the Mottled pattern is best on the Uniform Black strain .

I do strongly think that most Black copper marans strains are not pure ER/ER Birchen ,they do have some E/E Extended black on them .mixed up long time ago .no body bothered to breed the 2 varieties separately . they all thing when they lines throw some dark black pullets and black shoulder cockerels. it is caused by Melanin{ Melanizer }.this term is well used by BC breeders .NOT TRUE . has nothing to do with extra Melanin { Melanizer }. it is a presence of the Extended Black genes what causing the uniform black pullets/black shoulder cockerel to appear .

Marans chooks never had a chance to fully express them selves as far as body pattern is concern . they do carries a lot pattern ,never bred true .
now they fail to breed a true black ,they are trying to remove this gorgeous variety from the SOP. what a shame .

you can breed new varieties if you like .I ll help you out for sure .

chooks man


Pullet #1 .Blue Birchen .
I do not see any apparent faults .
great body type .
great Blue color with a lovely dark lacing . it is a little darker around the tail ,but that
oK. not a 100% uniform .
good comb far I can see ,
Hackle is fully colored but has enough silver marking .

she is a breeder for sure .

chooks man


Pullet #2.

Stunning body type /Chest and Tail .love her long back and thick body type . short on her feet is a plus .
her blue is not uniform a little on the dark side ,but gorgeous lacing .
love her thick head .cockerel line for sure ,
hackle need more color ,has enough silver to pass to her son s .they will get the rest from they Sire .
her comb is not her best asset .

she is a breeder for sure

Pullet#1 has better comb and Blue plumage .smaller head .pullet line.
Pullet #2 has a better body type .better tail .thicker head ,cockerel line.

chooks man


Pullet #4 My Favourite .
love the way she stand .Elegant. show bird for sure . need a little tuning .
great body type /Deep chest ,long back and Faultless tail .
she is true Marans specimen , that how they should look . thick ,heavy .long and Elegant Not goofy or sloppy .
her blue is not a best .not uniform and her hackle has not any silver .

HER COMB IS A BEST .small ,well serrated and well shaped .nice lobe and correct points .
she is a breeder of both pullets and cockerel.

chooks man
that is not parasitic white for sure .if her mama had some mottling and you saying there is black pullet showing up .I think your line is a mixture of Extended Black E/E and Birchen type ER/ER .plus Mottled genes too .need some test mating and you can end up with a first black Mottled marans . E/E ,S/S ,Pti1/,Pti1. mo/mo etc,,,,,,,,,
the Mottled pattern is best on the Uniform Black strain .

I do strongly think that most Black copper marans strains are not pure ER/ER Birchen ,they do have some E/E Extended black on them .mixed up long time ago .no body bothered to breed the 2 varieties separately . they all thing when they lines throw some dark black pullets and black shoulder cockerels. it is caused by Melanin{ Melanizer }.this term is well used by BC breeders .NOT TRUE . has nothing to do with extra Melanin { Melanizer }. it is a presence of the Extended Black genes what causing the uniform black pullets/black shoulder cockerel to appear .

Marans chooks never had a chance to fully express them selves as far as body pattern is concern . they do carries a lot pattern ,never bred true .
now they fail to breed a true black ,they are trying to remove this gorgeous variety from the SOP. what a shame .

you can breed new varieties if you like .I ll help you out for sure .

chooks man

this is explanation why I have all black hens. is it possible to breed all black marans from them?

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