International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

I'm planning on kicking Mr Out later when I can, he's just my only one of his line. I was honestly disappointed with the males I got from the 17 green fire chicks my husband got for me two years ago, they all had autosomal red and most had black shoulder. My Reeves line had it's faults( side sprigs, very occasional tailless Cockerel) but overall I've had better luck with them.
If autosomal red shows up on chicks through buff on breast, I picked out these. I think one might be free of buff markings on the chest, does that point to autosomal silver? Is this a way to select birds for or against autosomal red?
I think you are confusing your self with all this genetic terminology . recessive white/ extended black and all the rest .
you need test mating to be able to establish what gene any bird is carrying .

who is the sire of this year white chicks?
who is a sire of the last year white chick ? and how is he /her related to the rooster you are using now { the one throwing white chicks}?

when breeding a person should know what egg come from witch hen other wise the result will be speculative .not good .

I do not breed any hen/pullet if I don t know her eggs colour/size /shape and weight .I don t leave any thing to chances .

Genetically speaking .the Extended Black E/E chook can carry the Recessive white or a Dominant white .
the Extended Black Dominant white chooks is the most dominant pattern known to us to this day .

some of the BC /BLC and Silver Black lucking the Autossomal RED and have extra Melanin . so they are black .

hope this will help you to get an idea what are working with .

chooks man
Mr Big is likely the sires to last year's hen as well, but the gal who bought the white chick also bought some blue cockerels as well, so I'm guessing the dam is blue or splash and the sires is Mr Big. I have 3 blue hens and 5 splash hens that we're from the first group of chicks that came two years ago with Mr Big, possible they could be siblings from a blue thinking Mr Big will be replaced this year.
Mr Big is likely the sires to last year's hen as well, but the gal who bought the white chick also bought some blue cockerels as well, so I'm guessing the dam is blue or splash and the sires is Mr Big. I have 3 blue hens and 5 splash hens that we're from the first group of chicks that came two years ago with Mr Big, possible they could be siblings from a blue thinking Mr Big will be replaced this year.

thank you ,now I see clear what happen .Mr Big is a cause of all those white chicks .must be a hen in the pen related to him .carrying the same recessive white .

you can work with MR Big .but you have to mate him to a Silver Black hen with a silver hackle . you have one there is very good . hatch some eggs from her and select a cockerel from this mating . he ll be better looking than his sire Mr Big for sure .
do not mate Mr Big to any hen with a red leakage Mossiness . other wise you ll never come out of the Autossomal Red .

you have to have goal when breeding .are you breeding for a pure silver .or dark eggs ,or big size?

If I was you I ll breed MR Big with a 2 silver black hens nothing else .too many hens in one pen .never get great result .
single pairing or a trio is a better way to breed the chooks .
pen breeding is good when working with well established line.

chooks man


if you want to hatch a good looking silver chick with a silver shoulder from your chooks .here what to do .
remove all the hens from the breeding pen except the silver black hen facing us with a yellow and orange leg tag .
she is your way out of all your trouble if you want to breed a great Silver Black .
you don t need to breed from all those hens .
if you do what I m telling you to do ,you ll have a great silver black flock in a shortest time possible .
that how I do breed a great marans from a scratch each time .

I managed to breed a Columbian marans in 4 years with the existing marans genes .NOT CROSSING WITH SESSEX LIKE MOST PEOPLE DO . has not been even in France ,they are losing what they have . they are eliminating { Removing }the Extended Black from the marans list .not trying to restore it .

Breeding great chooks is science and art . but need goal and plans to have a good result .

chooks man
It’s raining. Gonna have to wait for flock pics lol.

That’s a beautiful chick, can’t wajt to see what everyone else thinks!

looking forward to see a pic of your flock .
make sure you photograph each chooks from different angle . front .side .back .rear .ground level . take your time ,don t rush a thing .one chooks at the time .technical photos please ,so we can help you to understand your chooks better .

chooks man
I have a question about egg color. My first and only BCM hen came to point of lay in oct/nov. days are short/cold here in Utah in the winter, so I wasn't surprised when I didn't get an egg from her. I hatched her from shipped eggs from a breeder in Idaho who breeds specifically for dark eggs with French BCM. Well, all my hens have picked back up laying with the days starting to get longer. My BCM hen is and has been doing the "sqaut" for several weeks now. I have yet to find a dark egg in the nest boxes. Pictured are the egg she hatched out of, nice brown egg and what I suspect, but hope is not her egg! It's so light! I was hoping for an egg shell the same color as the one she hatched out of. It's possible my welsummer, who is now to the point of lay, could've laid it, but all of my other hens lay tan, cream or blue/green eggs. They are in the coop and a large run 24/7, so there's no chance my BCM is hiding her eggs elsewhere. Do any of you think this light brown egg could be hers? And if it is, any chance her eggs could darken some with time?
I was wondering if lavender, but it seems so improbable! It's way more rare than recessive white. If lavender I'm not letting the bird out of sight.

some body in the USA has a bred a Lavender marans , those marans are not a pure marans but a stable marans hybrid .selected for marans trait .
a same like a Bantam Marans .they are not true marans but stable marans hybrid . a lot peoples in france hated me when I said that . they did not like it ,but it a truth .

I asked the Marans Club de France .that I m going to bred a silver Wheaten marans variety ,never been bred before . I did cross a wheaten marans hen to a pure silver cuckoo rooster . they said to me this variety will never be accepted as marans variety .so I told them ,how come that the Bantam marans are accepted and we all know the marans chooks do not have a Bantam genes ,so where the Bantam gene come from and why those a little chooks are called marans in the first place .

peoples are free to do what they want ,but they can not bent the genetic rule .DNA testing will always show up .
Emille Guerill big marans breeder in France do a DNA testing on his breeders chooks every year .

we can breed chooks look like marans a lay dark eggs ,doesn t mean they are marans .we have to watch what we doing .

chooks man
I have a question about egg color. My first and only BCM hen came to point of lay in oct/nov. days are short/cold here in Utah in the winter, so I wasn't surprised when I didn't get an egg from her. I hatched her from shipped eggs from a breeder in Idaho who breeds specifically for dark eggs with French BCM. Well, all my hens have picked back up laying with the days starting to get longer. My BCM hen is and has been doing the "sqaut" for several weeks now. I have yet to find a dark egg in the nest boxes. Pictured are the egg she hatched out of, nice brown egg and what I suspect, but hope is not her egg! It's so light! I was hoping for an egg shell the same color as the one she hatched out of. It's possible my welsummer, who is now to the point of lay, could've laid it, but all of my other hens lay tan, cream or blue/green eggs. They are in the coop and a large run 24/7, so there's no chance my BCM is hiding her eggs elsewhere. Do any of you think this light brown egg could be hers? And if it is, any chance her eggs could darken some with time?View attachment 1680226 View attachment 1680225

it is a marans egg for sure .a little lighter but can go darker in the next few weeks .some Welsummer lay nice dark too .

chooks man

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