International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Rooster A. Half sibling to both pullets. Has split wing and large comb with poor texture. Good size boy With dark copper coloring, dark eyes. Great tail. Wide all the way back. Maybe a little short in the back.
I hope everyone had a happy new year and Chooks Man, I hope you are staying safe.

I am beginning to think hard on the pairing for this breeding season and need a little guidance. I now have two bcm roosters (thanks Kfelton) and I am not sure the best way to use both Roos over just two pullets. Single pairing or alternate Roos over both pullets for a few weeks or month. The first would give me two distinct lines to work with but fewer eggs to incubate this year per line. The later would give me more eggs per line to hatch but both lines would still share some genetics.

Pics of me four birds to follow.

happy NY to you ,wishing you all the best .

we had a bad Saturday ,one of the worst 48 DC with a hot wind and smoke . lost 8 breeding hens and 3 No breeding roosters .
5 hens all sisters dominant white .Kako was one of them .
Baby Blue
Bent Comb

few still stressed .give them today Vitamin C and a lot wet food . it is cooler 25 DC expecting some rain .

the young stock handle the heat better ,no sign of any distress . well pleased .

Lucky me I bred from them all .so life continue .all natural .
chooks man
Pullets A and B. They are half sisters, both have side sprigs, good feathered feet, low tails and lay a 5-6 egg.

Pullet A (on left) is smaller in mass (haven’t weighed any birds) than B with little taper to tail. Little copper in hackles.

Pullet B (on right) is a plump girl wide all the way back. She is all black, no copper in hackles
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Pic of pullet B from top.
View attachment 1995061

both pullets look wide and big .more photos will be more helpful .
one is big but Black ,the other is smaller but has some copper . both of they genetic is needed . so both are breeders , we have to work with what we have and see if we can improve ,

chooks man
Rooster A. Half sibling to both pullets. Has split wing and large comb with poor texture. Good size boy With dark copper coloring, dark eyes. Great tail. Wide all the way back. Maybe a little short in the back.
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you are saying he has a split wing and he is related to the 2 pullets ,no do no breed them together ,a lot chicks will have the faults .no worth it ,except if you hatch a 100 or more to find a good one .

love his copper and body patern but not for this pairing .sorry to say that .will save you a lot of trouble is a long run .

chooks man
rooster B via Kfelton. Decent frame boy with longer back. Great tail angle. Good comb texture(no side sprigs:)). Lots of copper coloring, copper ear tufts, a little halo. Great bright eyes. Slight taper to the rear. Few white feathers on feet.
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this one sound good .will much your pullets.
the copper pullets will help to correct the hackle .
the black one will help to keep mass .
one line from each hen . one hen can lay more than 150 eggs .so a lot to incubate if you have time .slow process better productive .quality is better than quantity . except if you have a big freezer and you want to fill it up .

chooks man

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