International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

I think you are alright if he has white on his tail ,
problem the original rooster will give you less BC chicks to work with next year .
if you think you have hatched enough BC pullets from Blaze ,than finish him off .and breed to Jasper .

chooks man
All my chicks now come from Blaze over Jade, Rose and Pearl except 2 chicks are from Jasper and the one hen that layed the nice dark round egg. I have moved Jaspers hens and the 1 BC in with Blaze. Do you still want me to hatch from them or move them in with Jasper.
All my chicks now come from Blaze over Jade, Rose and Pearl except 2 chicks are from Jasper and the one hen that layed the nice dark round egg. I have moved Jaspers hens and the 1 BC in with Blaze. Do you still want me to hatch from them or move them in with Jasper.

I asked you how many BC chicks you got from Blaze?
chooks man
All my chicks now come from Blaze over Jade, Rose and Pearl except 2 chicks are from Jasper and the one hen that layed the nice dark round egg. I have moved Jaspers hens and the 1 BC in with Blaze. Do you still want me to hatch from them or move them in with Jasper.

you have enough chicks from him .20 chicks is a minimum to any roster .
chooks man
very sad to hear that .
let see if I got alright = Buster from KY has not Split wings but his half brother has a split wings .
the 2 hens are from your line ,they don t have split wings ? or they have ?
chicks you got from this trio are majority Split wing ?.= if yes ,then it is recessive gene effect . both parent are carriers .

wait for more information from you before I go deep into breeding from those chooks .

great you are happy with you CLB chicks and OE .
chooks man

none of the parents have split wing. Buster has half brother who does have split wing and hens have a half brother who also has split wing(my other cock bird). Assuming you are right on with all parents being recessive carries which gave me 100% split wing chicks on first hatch. Is it possible to hatch “non-split wing” from this trio? I am thinking not.
Three pullets from second hatch and you have seen the 2 cockerels from first hatch.


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