International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

When do you guys find is the best age to cull the extra Roos for consumption? Since they are not meat birds I’m thinking splitting them and BBQ on the grill would be best. What say you?

I wouldn’t go past 16 weeks if you are going to grill. IMO after 16 wks they are roasters andafter 6 months they are soup.

I just sent 11 to fat camp for 4-6 weeks. Kept on high protein and corn until plump.
What’s the fat camp diet (ratio) consist of and for how long?

not exact ratios. Mostly 22% protein crumbles or meat bird feed and cracked corn. Corn is all carbs. So maybe 75% crumbles and 25% cracked corn. This is something fairly new to me so take it for what it’s worth. There may be better/cheaper ways to get the results we are looking for.
if you have 5 or 6 like her than you good . even Blue one ,if they are her true sisters ,
Chooks man
I think we will figure out the first 2 hatches soon enough just by combs alone. We know they are from Ruby or Jade. I believe Jade is throwing the round combs. Like the cockerel you like. Jade first picture. Rose second picture she is throwing long skinny combs and mossy chicks. The cockerel in the picture is the really mossy BC cockerel long comb. There is a pullet with a little mossy and believe it's from rose also. I also put a picture of our favorite BC cockerels comb for comparison.


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This is a Blcm pullet from Jasper. She has a little darker chick down but nice and chunky. She will be 1 week tomorrow.

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but she is Blue coper .we are looking for a BC pullets/cockerels .
you have stunning BLC hens any way so I m not expecting any thing less than them selves .
we want breed a BC from them .don t forget that . that is a main goal .you have a flock of BLC we want to breed a similar flock of BC from them .

chooks man
I think we will figure out the first 2 hatches soon enough just by combs alone. We know they are from Ruby or Jade. I believe Jade is throwing the round combs. Like the cockerel you like. Jade first picture. Rose second picture she is throwing long skinny combs and mossy chicks. The cockerel in the picture is the really mossy BC cockerel long comb. There is a pullet with a little mossy and believe it's from rose also. I also put a picture of our favorite BC cockerels comb for comparison.

I like Jade head ,good head and comb . hope the big boy is her son .

chooks man
out of your breeding program .
Jasper hasn t got any white so ,mate him only with a hens free from any parasitic white .
Does Violet BC hen has any white ?

chooks man
Violet is free of white. I was planning on moving her tonight into Jasper's pen. I am also moving one of the 2 hens that was in with Jasper back in with him. I believe she is the one that layed the dark round egg name is Storm. That way I can make sure it is her laying that egg. She doesn't appear to have any white that I can see.

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