International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP


this chicks is stunning .every about him is correct . proper hatch down pattern ,minimum white . love his correct stand and straight feets ,well spaced . so this one will be #1

chooks man

this chick has a worst hatch down .too much white .does not mean the chicks will not grow to be a good one , what does mean is he/she will be sensitive to parasitic white .

so the first one is perfect .
last one is a bad one .
rest of the chicks are all between those 2 extreme .most of them have a good hatch down .
mark them recording to they degree of white .
#1 is free from white .
#7 too much white . .

when they grow ,you will know who is who .
chooks man
A couple of these chicks have so much white on them. Im a little concerned.

only chicks in photo 2 and photo 3 have too much white the rest have a correct hatch down .

what it important for you now is they body type .and how colorful they will be when fully grown . hope they will lay dark eggs .
if all those traits will show up in your birds ,than you can start selecting for the secondary traits .comb ,eye .tail ,hatch down etc.............................

foundation traits first .
chooks man
View attachment 2188081
Khabib s group all standing up this time . Khabib is a splash rooster far back. looking good . 2 cockerels from this group I m not happy about them .I will put them out soon .
1- is splash cockerel front left ,
2 - BLC in the middle without tail .smallest one in the group .

chooks man

I love all the colors! They are very handsome! :love
I've never used reptile bulbs. Just regular heat bulbs from the farm store. Are reptile bulbs better?
Last year I used 200w heat bulbs to save roosters combs. When I turned them off early in the year. Everyone shut down laying right at hatching time. So it was recommended to use reptile bulbs because they dont put out much light. Keep the natural cycle going. I found 2 - 150w for $12.48 on amizon so I just ordered them.

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I think those would work great. Just have to be real careful with the electrical layout. I know you have or had an electrician at your place. Show him what you would like to do. I have 50' extention cords running all over my back yard "not good". I have a lot more stress with the 100 degrees than I do with the -20 in the winter. My coups are big and warm.


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I think those would work great. Just have to be real careful with the electrical layout. I know you have or had an electrician at your place. Show him what you would like to do. I have 50' extention cords running all over my back yard "not good". I have a lot more stress with the 100 degrees than I do with the -20 in the winter. My coups are big and warm.
Wow! Love your chicken house.When
You are finished can I move in! My house doesn't even have a complete roof. Since the tree fell on it. I am going to show my husband and tell him he is slacking! Lol That won't get me anywhere but never hurts to try. Lol

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