International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

my best looking BC pullets from the youngest group .she is turning to be well nice super friendly .
named her Zenyatta . I need to catch her to see her number who is her parents .hopefully she is half sister to the best BC cockerel from a same group . she will be bred with him for sure regardless of they relation .both are correct . no breeding from her this year .
here my boy . named him Zambezi #2 { after my old BC rooster from import line Zambezi }

he is top dog . well nice to the girls .
I will bred him with my 2 best BC hens Gazelle and Amor .as soon as they restart to lay he will be penned with them .

chooks man
Comb flopping during extreme heat should be okay?

here’s my best two girls at 23 weeks. The solid black is a BCM with zero copper....

View attachment 2207892View attachment 2207893

bent comb is a Ok but not desirable , SOP call for a straight comb .but bent comb { only back of it } is not DQ .
for the comb to bent ,the genes needed must be there . the heat ,heavy laying etc ........make the comb bent ,but if the genes are not there ,the comb will stay up right regardless the condition .
your pullets have a lot qualities. Black one has a better comb .but not copper .

chooks man
bent comb is a Ok but not desirable , SOP call for a straight comb .but bent comb { only back of it } is not DQ .
for the comb to bent ,the genes needed must be there . the heat ,heavy laying etc ........make the comb bent ,but if the genes are not there ,the comb will stay up right regardless the condition .
your pullets have a lot qualities. Black one has a better comb .but not copper .

chooks man

Is comb something equally affected by male and female or controlled more by one?

Is comb something equally affected by male and female or controlled more by one?

comb is not sex linked .both parent contribute they own genes .
comb genes are inherited by order of dominance of traits . lot of bad traits are dominant too .
bent comb is dominant
Side sprig is dominant
rose comb is dominant
coronation comb is dominant and more other traits .

the comb is complex to work with if you don t have the proper traits .it is a reason for me I leave it tell the end of my breeding program . mass .conformation ,dark egg are the most important traits for the stage I m in right now . building a house is first .decoration will come after .

chooks man
comb is not sex linked .both parent contribute they own genes .
comb genes are inherited by order of dominance of traits . lot of bad traits are dominant too .
bent comb is dominant
Side sprig is dominant
rose comb is dominant
coronation comb is dominant and more other traits .

the comb is complex to work with if you don t have the proper traits .it is a reason for me I leave it tell the end of my breeding program . mass .conformation ,dark egg are the most important traits for the stage I m in right now . building a house is first .decoration will come after .

chooks man
I’m still years back in the thread trying to absorb. Thanks for your patience. 😬


I really like your this pullet . she have all the trait needed to produce cockerels line .
find her a cockerel from a good straight comb line and I will tell you how to breed her to fix the bent comb in her future progeny .
she has a cockerels head .thick
she has a priceless copper plus complete hackle marking .mean her sons will be well colored .
great long back and gorgeous tail .
all those traits are great to produce a great line .

chooks man

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