International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

good to know .it is very simple . now you know her eggs .mark her chicks ,select the best cockerel and breed him back to her next year .that will reinforce the dark egg genes .and help you to start a dark egg layer line .

chooks man
I have a few of her eggs in the Incubator now and a hand full of chicks in the last hatch. Storm and Jaspers chicks. None from her and Blaze.
I think he is worried about a few different things. One being it just puts more on our plate. The other is the risk of shipping birds and them dying in shipping. Third is with the cost of shipping being so high. We really don't feel right charging for the birds but if we don't charge it isn't worth all the extra stress. He is the type of person that he would rather lose money then feel like he is ripping someone off. He would feel that way with the cost of shipping being that much. Our plates are so full as it is. So.... Idk. He had mentioned this before but I just didn't think he was really too serious about it. I brought it up last night and he was no your not shipping birds. We will see when I get the chance to sit down and talk to him about it. I know soon we will be knee deep in electrical and house/ roof repair. Shipping couldn't happen till like September too hot in July and August. The first few hatches would be fully grown by then and probably wouldn't fit in the boxes. So we will see what happens! Got lots of stuff to work out first.

I understand your husband's thinking about money. but I also understand people who have money and desparately want good birds. 1+1=2. if someone is willing to pay high price for shipping you would do a harm if you didn't ship.
Chooksman, I think Ace is out as a breeder. I noticed some things on him I didn't like. He is the only one left with a white wing feather. I know he has a lot of color on his chest but I got a closer look and he has quite a bit of shafting. What do you think? We have more in batch 3 and 4. Last picture of Black Jack's chest. When you zoom you can see a little spot of color and maybe one line. I know they only get more color and possibly shafting when they get older.View attachment 2218613View attachment 2218615View attachment 2218620

we say: don't throw away the hen that lays golden eggs! I don't understand why you worry too much.
Notice anything different. Daisy laid her first egg this morning. I know its small and not round but i was so excited to see that pretty little thing when i was checking the nest box this morning. In the last picture is my game hens first egg back after raising chicks, then daisy, then my easter egger x wyndotte hen henrietta's. Daisy turned 20 weeks old yesterday.
This may be a dumb question.
Reading through this site, i read a post about chicken feet.

If the outer toe is much shorter than the others, then the line has been inbred too much and you need to bring in a new line to your breeding program.

Is there any truth to this?
Looking at my chicks toes, the outer feathered toe is much, much shorter than the others.

Dont laugh at me you guys :) Just curious. Ive never bread to SOP before. Just raised and ate em.
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