International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

move to Australia my friend .large country .less peoples ,great weathers and marans chooks sale for a lot much money here .hahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .
good luck to you finding a good place for your self /family .

chooks man
Can I come to Australia too! Just as soon as I win the lottery that I never play! Lol
Finally sitting down the last week to start going through this entire and I’m just on page 25 of the thread. WOW how lucky we are to have this thread with all of this information. I can’t wait to continue and learn. I’m keeping a list of questions in a book and marking them off as they get answered in the thread, but I have some planning questions

I’m making my plans for the fall when I want to finish setting up the beginning of my pens. I’ve got these three BCMs that lay 7 and 8 eggs. If my first goal is egg color and then standards, should I keep these hens in consideration, regardless of their type? I can take some updated photos of the hens at 28 weeks.

Is mixing BBS in not advisable for egg color?

if I brought in someone else’s dark egg line, I’ll go backwards in egg color and who knows what else? I should stick with the same line? Just wondering if I should take as much time to find a new line to mix with these hens or stick with what I’ve got....

What is the preferred age for evaluating cockerels? Pullets can be evaluated once they lay to include egg color in the analysis?

many question on there .I will reply to them with detail soon .
chooks man
Updated photos:

1 best overall? Lays an egg that was spotted with almost black flecks. Slightly more oblong egg that is evening out in color now and almost a 7.
View attachment 2255470

2. Lays the darkest egg. Consistently an 8. Her cushioning seems to have flattened out the last few weeks.
View attachment 2255468

overhead of 1 and 2. 2 is slightly wider than 1.
View attachment 2255469

3. Lays a solid 7 And is noticeably wider than the other 2. She has a slightly longer back than I was expecting From a few weeks ago, but still this huge U.
View attachment 2255471

View attachment 2255472

Some eggs. The speckled one (#2) is more smooth now.
View attachment 2255482

you have 3 different type pullets .each one has is own qualities and fault .
as group of 3 .they are a good foundation to build your line from them .they are different. quality of one pullet will cover the fault in other pullet .
good thing they all lay dark eggs .so there is no problem in there .we just need to work on the body type /conformation .
you need quality rooster to enhance they qualities .

chooks man


now they all fully grown and laying I can say this pullet is the most balanced of the 3 .yes she is Black and has cushioning ,but she has body type .mass , good tail .great head /comb /eyes .
in my note book she will be marked as= breeder of
body type and mass.
head./comb/eyes .
tail shape and angle.
dark egg .
legs .
she scored high in my breeding criteria .
need to be mated to supper colored BC rooster with well marked chest and free from any cushioning.

chooks man

pullet #1 has a bent comb and wry tail { I remember @kfelton0002 mentioned it before }
plus she is narrower not as wide as the other 2 . BUT .the good thing about this faults is they autossome linked ,can be corrected by the correct rooster . if the faults where sex linked ,than will be different story
she is long , she has a proper copper complete hackle marking { sex linked trait} .good head. and she lay dark egg s .
in my book she will be marked as Copper quality and complete body pattern . plus dark eggs breeder .
need to be mated to a thick solid rooster , square type like pullet 2,with correct comb and tail

chooks man

this pullet is square type high tail { her tail is high but good shape}and extra fluff @ tail base . with a great mass good head.comb.eyes.
in all 3 I like her head better , thick and little shorter that what SOP call for .
will be noted as breeder of those traits=
Mass /width and deep chest
Great head .
Good legs
Well developed abdomen
Dark egg .

need to be mated to rooster with correct long body type .good low tail angle .
chooks man
View attachment 2256151
this pullet is square type high tail { her tail is high but good shape}and extra fluff @ tail base . with a great mass good head.comb.eyes.
in all 3 I like her head better , thick and little shorter that what SOP call for .
will be noted as breeder of those traits=
Mass /width and deep chest
Great head .
Good legs
Well developed abdomen
Dark egg .

need to be mated to rooster with correct long body type .good low tail angle .
chooks man

forgot some thing .she has a best plumage type .well tight to the body , sleek .

chooks man
forgot some thing .she has a best plumage type .well tight to the body , sleek .

chooks man
Thank you! So much information and things to come back to and study. It will be so nice to see your notes for strengths you would consider for these girls while going through your posts in the thread. Maybe I’ll find good examples of what I should be looking for in a cockerel this winter.

so it seems one cockerel would work for 1 and 2, but might want a different more specific for 3? 3 was early laying and is the most personable, it would be nice to include her in breeding for those aspects, too. Oh, she also has shafting in her feathers on her breast.

I’m going to hold off on more breeding pen setup questions until I get deep into the thread, I have a feeling they’ll be covered. I’ll let these guys continue to mature and plan on hatching for cockerels over the winter.
Thank you! So much information and things to come back to and study. It will be so nice to see your notes for strengths you would consider for these girls while going through your posts in the thread. Maybe I’ll find good examples of what I should be looking for in a cockerel this winter.

so it seems one cockerel would work for 1 and 2, but might want a different more specific for 3? 3 was early laying and is the most personable, it would be nice to include her in breeding for those aspects, too. Oh, she also has shafting in her feathers on her breast.

I’m going to hold off on more breeding pen setup questions until I get deep into the thread, I have a feeling they’ll be covered. I’ll let these guys continue to mature and plan on hatching for cockerels over the winter.

all 3 pullet are breeders .any marans hens for us who lay dark eggs is a breeder .we just have to find a compatible cockerels for them ,that all .

you need one correct cockerel to mate him to all the 3 pullets .that way to keep all the good traits from each pullets and breed out the faults as you go .many they rush thing up , they want they line to be perfect in one generation ,it is a dream will never come true .

one rooster mated to each pullets and see the result .
it is not how they look what important in breeding pen ,it is what they produce is ,
we are looking for breeders not show birds .completely different selection .we looking for birds who can out produce them selves . { they produce better version of them selves }

chooks man
all 3 pullet are breeders .any marans hens for us who lay dark eggs is a breeder .we just have to find a compatible cockerels for them ,that all .

you need one correct cockerel to mate him to all the 3 pullets .that way to keep all the good traits from each pullets and breed out the faults as you go .many they rush thing up , they want they line to be perfect in one generation ,it is a dream will never come true .

one rooster mated to each pullets and see the result .
it is not how they look what important in breeding pen ,it is what they produce is ,
we are looking for breeders not show birds .completely different selection .we looking for birds who can out produce them selves . { they produce better version of them selves }

chooks man
This is why I love this thread and am so thankful for your years of work to educate and share knowledge . I have no interest in showing my birds and participating in that world. It seems to be a bit political at times. I remember like two years ago when I first got interested in marans I came here to ask which club I should join and what the heck the differences were in the two US clubs.... and you told me “you don’t have to be a member of a club to breed a good marans.”

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