International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP


@Tom Bright
this guy will lose some of the copper on his chest ,he is still young .
need to be mated to hens with less hackle marking .
your line is free from parasitic white .I can not see any .great stuff .
I like his head every thing is correct ,comb ,eyes ,wattles ,ears tufts . plus he look kind .

chooks man

@Tom Bright
I like this guy a lot .love his stand , good body type and great head . tail is little longer look full at the base ,very good .
can not see the copper on his chest .
this guy can not mated to hens that stand tall .he need to be mated to hens with body type low to the ground .

work on the tails my friend .
chooks man
How old are they, is the pullet related to the cockerel? Is she laying yet. What is the egg color? Very nice birds, great copper on the cockerel, back looks shorter but I think it is the way he is standing. Pullets eyes are a little darker, mine have to be older before their eye gets the nice orange color. YES I would bred this pair as man as you can. You have too hatch alot of birds to get a few good ones. You have a very good start. TOM

high quality BC marans . they need to do more growing . need better photos of the cockerel .
are they related ?
chooks man

Thanks everyone!

These Marans come from a place in Nova Scotia with several different recent lines - Bulbs of Fire [Ontario], Greendale Heritage Poultry [British Columbia], and a few others in a large flock so they are likely related, but how closely I am not sure. The eggs these ones came from were both quite dark and laid on the same day from different hens (so they are at most half siblings). I have intentions of adding another line, but will have to track down a good source for next spring - they are hard to find in Nova Scotia and I was pleasantly surprised how these birds have matured. Might ship some hatching eggs in from elsewhere in Canada.

I will upload a few more photos of the cockerel (his back does look shorter than in person from the angle of this photo) and will update in a few months when they are more mature - as well as the egg colour when the pullet starts to lay. They are still fairly young.

As for egg colour - below are the eggs in the incubator. The pullet is from the middle bottom egg (darkest) and the cockerel was from the egg that is the farthest the right, so a little bit lighter but both nice colours. These eggs were from mid May, so I was told the eggs closer to the beginning of lay cycle will be darker.

Hi All! I have a question for you. I hatched some Marans this spring from a few different lines and only ended up with one pullet unfortunately. I had a number of cockerels, but have chosen one that has stood out to me. Would you mind letting me know the quality of the Marans I have. I don't have any intent on showing them, but would still like to work on bettering lines within my flock at home. They came from fairly dark eggs (the pullet from the darkest egg I hatched). These guys were born around mid June, so they are still very much maturing!

The cockerel was being stubborn for photos, but here he is - he's quite hefty and solid, but wouldn't let me get a good angle to show this. I will try to get a better photo from above and front later.

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The pullet was a bit more cooperative. Please not that her feathers are normally tight along her body - we had a good breeze on today and she insisted on standing right in it!

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Would they make a good pair? What faults should I watch for in the offspring? I plan on adding another couple of lines in the future, but have to start somewhere.

You have a nice pair to start your line with, hatch as many chicks as you can take care of. General rule is that 1 out of 10 chicks will have enough good qualities to breed forward.

if you aquire additional BCM Lines I would suggest that you keep them separate until you know for sure how each line breeds and what faults they carry. Mixing lines can sometimes have disastrous effects by adding new (unknown) flaws or disqualifications, exposing recessive genes, loss of egg color, etc. When you do decide to cross lines then I would suggest single mating small batch hatches so that you can determine if such lines are compatible or incompatible.
Thanks everyone!

These Marans come from a place in Nova Scotia with several different recent lines - Bulbs of Fire [Ontario], Greendale Heritage Poultry [British Columbia], and a few others in a large flock so they are likely related, but how closely I am not sure. The eggs these ones came from were both quite dark and laid on the same day from different hens (so they are at most half siblings). I have intentions of adding another line, but will have to track down a good source for next spring - they are hard to find in Nova Scotia and I was pleasantly surprised how these birds have matured. Might ship some hatching eggs in from elsewhere in Canada.

I will upload a few more photos of the cockerel (his back does look shorter than in person from the angle of this photo) and will update in a few months when they are more mature - as well as the egg colour when the pullet starts to lay. They are still fairly young.

As for egg colour - below are the eggs in the incubator. The pullet is from the middle bottom egg (darkest) and the cockerel was from the egg that is the farthest the right, so a little bit lighter but both nice colours. These eggs were from mid May, so I was told the eggs closer to the beginning of lay cycle will be darker.

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Your Marans are lovely. I just wanted to do a special shout out from a fellow Canadian.🙋‍♀️
You have been lucky to get such lovely Marans north of the border. Did you only get the 5 I see in that little incubator, or were there more?
Your Marans are lovely. I just wanted to do a special shout out from a fellow Canadian.🙋‍♀️
You have been lucky to get such lovely Marans north of the border. Did you only get the 5 I see in that little incubator, or were there more?

Thanks - you do really have to hunt for good BCMs up here! I had another hatch, but they were lighter eggs and not as good quality birds.

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