International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Thank you.
Im so glad all of you are here to help me learn.

we are helping each other out .by looking at all the different photos of ours marans we learn more bout they conformation .they type and other traits . reading the SOP without looking at photos is useless .
photos of ours marans help us all . we know now how a correct marans should look like .
keep posting any time you see progress in your chooks .they keep changing till they reach thet full maturity .

chooks man

here my full comment on your cockerel .the good and the bad .
let start with a bad .no much at all .Tail is too high and his comb is thin .
the good .truck load ,
body type = long ,wide ,brick like shape , very good .
body color = full pattern ,great coper quality plus is uniform .
head= good with correct orange eyes .and good beak .and coppery ears fluff .
comb= good shape ,good number of points ,high lobe . missing the texture and the strength .
wattles= good size ,great shape { round type} nice texture .
neck = long .arched and well colored and lushly feathered .good size flames not too large .
back = long ,flat ,large and tilted toward the back ,great lancet . great .
Tail = great shape/form .wrong angle too high .
Chest = strong and deep .well lifted from the ground .nicely marked with copper flake s.
Wings= short ,held tight to the body . well colored .
Legs = correct size .correct color well feathered . well spaced and straight .
Stand = well balanced and Elegant .

this guy if mated to a hen with the right tail angle will produce some stunning BCM progeny .
chooks man
View attachment 2461628
here my full comment on your cockerel .the good and the bad .
let start with a bad .no much at all .Tail is too high and his comb is thin .
the good .truck load ,
body type = long ,wide ,brick like shape , very good .
body color = full pattern ,great coper quality plus is uniform .
head= good with correct orange eyes .and good beak .and coppery ears fluff .
comb= good shape ,good number of points ,high lobe . missing the texture and the strength .
wattles= good size ,great shape { round type} nice texture .
neck = long .arched and well colored and lushly feathered .good size flames not too large .
back = long ,flat ,large and tilted toward the back ,great lancet . great .
Tail = great shape/form .wrong angle too high .
Chest = strong and deep .well lifted from the ground .nicely marked with copper flake s.
Wings= short ,held tight to the body . well colored .
Legs = correct size .correct color well feathered . well spaced and straight .
Stand = well balanced and Elegant .

this guy if mated to a hen with the right tail angle will produce some stunning BCM progeny .
chooks man

I forgot = he has great plumage type .tight to the body free from any fluff .and any parasitic white .
his under fluff is pure black, great
chooks man
Here are some updated photos of my cockerel - turns out he’s developed a tiny bit of parasitic white on his right foot (a couple small feathers). Hopefully I can breed that out.


Our Cochin rooster pecked at him a bit the other day when a bad storm meant they were in close quarters in the coop for the day. So don’t mind the dried blood specks on his comb.


He was born mid June, so he’s just over 6 month old.

Here are some updated photos of my cockerel - turns out he’s developed a tiny bit of parasitic white on his right foot (a couple small feathers). Hopefully I can breed that out.

View attachment 2461938

Our Cochin rooster pecked at him a bit the other day when a bad storm meant they were in close quarters in the coop for the day. So don’t mind the dried blood specks on his comb.

View attachment 2461940

He was born mid June, so he’s just over 6 month old.

View attachment 2461941

As long as he is not expressing any white in his tail, wings or under fluff (at base of tail) I don’t worry about white feet feathers too much because a damaged feather will turn white. You can test by pulling out the white feet feathers if they grow back black then you’re good.
As long as he is not expressing any white in his tail, wings or under fluff (at base of tail) I don’t worry about white feet feathers too much because a damaged feather will turn white. You can test by pulling out the white feet feathers if they grow back black then you’re good.

He doesn’t have any white feathers or fluff elsewhere on his body, so it could be damaged feathers. I’ll pull them out and see if they grow back as black. Thanks for the advice!

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