International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

method to breed marans line of dark eggs layer .
for this method to work we need 2 dark eggs layer marans hens and one rooster . better for a rooster not to share any fault with a hens and not related to them . hens could be related better if not .
year 1 = mate a rooster to both hens ,mark they eggs and hatch Dz of chicks from each hen. we name this progeny F1 . we select a best pullets dark eggs layer F1H1 and F1H2 and we keep then aside , we select 1 best cockerel from each hen . F1H1 and F1H2 .

year 2 = we pen Hen 1 with F1H2 cockerel { 2nd hen son } .we hatch Dz we select a best few dark eggs layer pullets we keep aside and 1 best cockerel F2H1.
we do a same thing with hen 2 .
by the end we should have 2 best cockerels F2H1 and F2H2 , plus few nice dark eggs layer pullets as F2

year3 =we pen F2H2 cockerel to his grand dam Hen1 to produce BC1H1 pullets and cockerels .
we do a same thing with Hen2 and we get BC1H2 { Back crossing 1 hen 2}
by the end of the season we should have and keep only =
1} best F1H1 and H2 pullets only dark eggs layer for a long period .they will be over 2 years old ,great age to breed them
2} Best F2H1 and H2 pullets only DEL. a year old not ready to breed from .
3} best BC1H1 and H2 pullets . keeping only a best ones ,they should lay a darkest eggs when fully mature .
4} BC1H! and BC1H2 best cockerels ,2 of each will be nice .

year4 will be a first year to put together our lines from all the chicks we hatched last few years .
Pen1 = BC1H1 cockerels will be mated to F1H2 =this progeny will be line1 . we keep best pullets DEL and best cockerels = this progeny will be BC2H2.
Pen 2 = BC1H2 cockerels penned with F1H1 = this progeny will be line 2 . progeny BC2H1.
we can create as many line as we want .

year5 = we are getting more deep into stabilizing the lines .
pen 1 and pen 2 we can keep the a same . if we are happy with they progeny . we can sell them .
new pen will be.
Pen3 = we pen BC2H1 cockerel with F2H2 pullets we kept aside for 2 years now .
Pen4 = we do a same thing with BC2H2 cockerel with F2H1 pullets .

from now on we keep doing a same thing .we can more pen or reduce pens .
in this method we do not work with old roosters only young one ,but we work with older hens mature hens ,they are the ones who lay the eggs , no back crossing a sons to a Dams .

hope this information will help you guys .
chooks man
Ummmm... WOW. :eek: :thAnd I can't remember where my glasses and cell phone are half the time.
Hi Everyone! Hope you’re having a great long weekend. 🙂

Just stopping by to share my pullet’s latest egg - she’s been laying for about two months now and they’re looking really nice. Consistently dark, large, and round.


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