International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

All 1912 pages read..... now what? :caf
Keep posting. We are still here. Poor chooks man has been experiencing real world issues in Australia but this thread has many folks on it that can help. I plan on eventually showing my birds, especially the whites, once I am able to. I'll likely learn a lot more out on the road. Montana has very limited shows so it will probably happen when the kids are old enough.
Allllllllrighty then..... I remembered today to get pics of the eggs our littles have been pumping out. They are 22 weeks now and started laying at 19 wks. Here is Betty and hers. They have a dull (matte) sheen to them that's been consistent.
Date is above on cardboard, we don't have a scale yet, need one.
Hi Guys,
Another update on the BCMs!

It's been about two weeks since the pictures in the older post. First one is Colette (same chick from the older post), and the other one is Jeannette, who we got later after realizing our wheaten marans was a boy.

These ladies are growing FAST. I can't believe how big they've gotten since we got them as a 1-2 week old. Still very far away from getting eggs though..

Colette: ~7 weeks by now.

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Jeannette (I thought she was the same age as Colette but she might be 6 weeks old):
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update on Colette. She’s about to lay eggs as she started squatting! Pretty excited.


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